Prank (OT4, slight Moonsun)

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"Uh? That pair of pants look so familiar?" Moonbyul thought to herself while watching the newest episode of WGM, the show which caused her to break down in front of their CEO, Appa, as they call him. She stood up at walked into her room. Digging through her closet, her suspicions were confirmed. Her ripped white jeans were not there. Just wait till you get back Kim Yongsun.
She walked into the laundry room, and saw her pair of pants there, rewashed and hanging after a certain girl wore it 4 days back. Moonbyul clearly remembered that she herself wore it a week ago, and had it washed and was inside her closet 5 days back. She did notice the missing pair of pants but shrugged it off, thinking that she had left it somewhere or that her coordinator had taken it to pair with her outfits, not realising that their main coordinator was back at her hometown that day.
Hearing the familiar sound of the door opening, it could only mean one thing, "Kim Yongsun, you are finally back huh?" The younger girl said under her breath as she stood up and headed to the door. She first jogged to the maknae's room, to get them to get ready for the plan. She had told them of her plans earlier in the afternoon and they had wanted to take part in it, using every chance to make fun of their leader whenever it comes. "UNNIE! YOU ARE BACK?? WELCOME HOME!" Moonbyul shouted sweetly at the leader as soon as she stepped into sight. A flash of confusion appeared on her face before disappearing just as fast. "Yeah! Why? Did you miss me so much?" The leader replied, with a playful smile on her face. Not going to lie, the younger was flustered and her cheeks might have flushed a light pink but she still had her cool. "What if I did?" The younger countered back, a smirk on her lips as the cheek of the girl across her turned a bright red. "Uh..uh..." She stammered before the younger girl burst out in laughter. "GIRLS!" She shouted before the maknaes rushed to hug the leader, and giving her kisses on her hand and cheek, which was once red. The leader stepped back, fear evident in her face. The tallest of all of them already had her phone out and was video taping everything, capturing the hilarious expression of her leader before stopping the videos and the maknaes. Laughing so hard that she started crying, she barely managed to say the words "kids stop!" before bursting out in another fit of giggles. The maknaes had on bright red lipstick which had now been implanted on their leaders face! There was even one on her lips, Moonbyul couldn't help but clench her fist at that even though she thought that it was funny. Their leader was still frozen in the same postion, letting the temporary photographer snap a few shots of that sight. After those shots, all the members except for the surprised leader bolted into their rooms and locked the door, seconds before hell was released. "MOON BYULYI JUNG WHEEIN AN HYEJIN YOU HAD BETTER NOT COME OUT IF NOT YOU WOULD NEVER SEE ANOTHER DAY OF YOUR LIFES" they heard through the doors before laughing again.

A/n: this might seem a little outdated but this was written during WGM period hahahaha. This was written just because I wanted a break and wrote something fun and I hope you laughed a little reading this! Comments are very much appreciated! Votes as well! Just a word or two and the star down below in the corner! Thank you! Have a nice day wherever you are!

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