You Stole my Heart (LeMak)

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2 weeks ago...
I was having a bad day, as usual. Nowadays, life never seemed to give me a break. It seems like all the procrastination that I did was now catching up to me as the due dates for the projects that I had to do were coming up in less than 3 days and I was, in short, screwed. I was walking home, sighing my happiness away every 3 seconds when a car pulled up right beside me, dangerously close. I turned to the car, ready to curse out the driver for putting people's life, well mine at least, in danger and that was when time stopped for me. You stepped out, eyeliner on fleek, as usual as I soon came to notice, and short hair fabulous, also as usual, and suddenly I forgot about all the profanities I wanted to scream at you before. It was not until I was in the car till I realised what you had just done. I was literally kidnapped in broad daylight... life must love playing jokes on me. You placed a foul-smelling handkerchief on my nose and soon after, I was knocked out.

A few hours later,
My head was spinning as I regained consciousness and sat up. Looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings, I suddenly recalled what had happened to me as the sound of footsteps drew close. You stood there, in front of me, holding out an arm, and that sight made me lose my words for the second time that day, for the exact same reason. My cheeks warmed up as I shyly put my hand into yours. And that moment was when everything changed. Do not ask me why I trusted you when clearly you were the one who kidnapped me, I just did. Electricity jolted where our skin met and pulling me up, you started jogging further and further away from where we were. Your jog turned into a run, and soon, I was sprinting as fast as Usain Bolt during the Olympics. When we finally stopped, I was sure that I had filled my exercise gauge for the rest of the year, and the year after too. You turned to me with a smile, a soft smile unlike the cocky smirk you had on the first time I laid my eyes on you and my heart skipped a beat. It was the first of the soon many times that you showed me your unexpected side, the real you. We were now in a warehouse, an abandoned one and I got chills just by being in it. You noticed how uncomfortable I was getting, and you put an arm around my waist and it was then that I realized that though you looked older than me from afar, beneath the thick makeup you had, you were probably younger than me, at least by 2 years. You led me through the warehouse like an expert and to a place with a fireplace, made nicely with a metal tin and what seemed to me a bunch of scrap paper. You sat me down near the fire, close enough to feel a little of the heat, keeping me warm from the unusually chilly Spring night. It was then that I first learnt about your name, the girl who stole all of my words and pretty much made me into an idiot every time she smiles. Ahn Hyejin, better known as Hwasa, an excellent thief who fooled the police time and time again, until now, which led her to taking me as a hostage just to hold off getting caught for awhile. According to you, you had some family matters that you started stealing for that you refuse to tell me, apart from that it is still not done. However, you were willing to go to jail for all that you have done after that 'thing' was done. Hyejin, to me, fitted you better, especially when you took off your makeup. And i was correct about your age too! Apparently, you are 4 years younger than me... I blame the makeup!

Over the course of the next few days, we just sat in the warehouse, talking and doing random things and during this period of time, I got to know you so much better, until i forget that I was the victim here. I got to know, not the thief Hwasa that everyone knows and despises, but the Hyejin that no one knew, the one that cries yourself to sleep every night when you think I fell asleep first. Though I do not know the reason, I found myself wanting to be a source of strength for you in this tough, harsh world, someone who you can confide in, and most importantly, I could not bear to see you leave me, to not see you when I wake up every morning. 3 days passed, 5 days passed, 1 week passed and eventually 2 weeks passed.

You walked into the room and flashed a dazzling smile at me. Your smile made me feel like that smile was solely for me, and it made even the North Star on the darkest of nights seem dull. I wondered to myself, why was I feeling this way, when all I should be feeling is nothing but terror for a person like you. Without knowing, a smile bloomed on my face too, similar to the one on yours. You said this to me, "It has been a tough 2 weeks for you, thank you for helping me Yongsun unnie! You've been so patient with this situation and it makes me feel like you have been in this situation before... hmmmmmm I feel a little jealous..." and I had to turn away to prevent you from noticing the blush that was appearing on my face because of your words... I never expected such sweet words from someone that looks so tough and fierce but every time you talk, you surprise me each time. Maybe that's why I fell for you, my kidnapper.

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