This novel is based on a movie and game trend of Charlie Charlie a demonic demon. These characters play the game and go through a journey they will never forget. The will get kidnapped and find themselves in a horrifying place. As they try to escape...
Two months have past. Jackson and Caleb are still out there looking for Ava. Mike has now moved away and forgot everything about his past. He now became part of a show called "The Hunters" He has been successful with his career.
-Ava's pov-
I was trying to unlock the door , the gang of killers were in the other house with the victims. It was only me and Lori. Lori and I met when we were both brought here. It all started like this...
I was being chained up to the walls while the men took care of the others. I saw a girl trying to fight off the men that were holding her. They put her down beside me and left. I of course knew she was a new victim. She then started to talk to me. I told her everything about this place. She was obviously terrified to be here. Lori and I got a little closer , talking everyday. She knows me very well and so do i.
Jackson and Caleb were now on the high hill of Brooklyn , They were taking a break while Caleb looks at the GPS connected to Ava's phone. Jackson on the other hand was laying down on the rock.
Caleb: Hey Jackson , I think were close. (shows him the location)
Jackson: Just a few miles away.
Caleb: Alright , let's keep walking...
The two boys head back on the road again for the search. It took them a while to get to the brooklyn area. Caleb in the distance saw two houses. He couldn't really see. They both decide to check it out.
- AVA and LORI-
Ava: I got it !!!
Lori: YES !!! come on , let's get out of this place.
Ava: Hurry run!!
Ava and Lori ran out of the building , they came across two boys far a bit and thought it was two of the gang killers. They ran the other direction. Jackson and Caleb saw the two girls running fast. They went after them to know what was happening.
-Gang Killers-
I hear one of my men calling my name. I groan and walk to him to know what was his deal. "WHAT!!" I said loudly. "THOSE GIRL'S ARE GONE" He said...
Charlie and his men went looking out for the two victims that escaped. He left the other men to keep an eye on the others back at the house. As Charlie was following the girls he saw two folk's running the same way.
-Ava pov-
I was running holding on to Lori's hand tight , she kept worrying and complaining about what we got ourselves into. I heard truck horn going off. I look back and see a bunch of men on a truck at the back swinging their bat's in the air. While the front driver was shouting and beeping his horn at us. I freaked out that i didn't even see where I was running as i was looking back at them. I hit my head from a rock. Lori saw blood gushing from out of my head. She was so scared. My vision started to get blurry. I felt week. Then everything went black.
-Lori pov-
I was worried that we might get into so much trouble if we get caught. As I was running with Ava i heard horn multiply time. When I looked back at Ava , her face was coverd with her blood. She collapsed. I didn't know what to do.....
Evey thing was happening so quick. Charlie caught Lori. Jackson and Caleb were surprised that Ava was even still alive. The men pulled Lori in the truck. Charlie was looking around for the other girl but Jackson and Caleb got her quick.
Jackson and Caleb were heading back home with Ava on Caleb's back. Lori was stuck back there. She was tied in a private room with nothing in there. The couple's escaped from Brooklyn.
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-Ava pov-
I woke up to the bright light beaming on my eyes. I looked around my surroundings , the room was white. I was on a hospital bed. When i moved my body , i felt a big pain on my head. I hear the doctors talking with two boys. "Why am I here" I thought. I was looking through the window when the boys faces looked terrified.
I'm sorry , she has amnesia......
Hey!!! So sorry this was short too. I had to finish my second book. I'll write the next chapter longer. Vote and Thank you