27-real life

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r e a l  l i f e

-Okay- Emma said pressing the button on her cellphone-I'm starting it, hurry up.

-I'm here, I'm here- Cole said sitting down beside her, looking at their faces on the screen.

-Hey guys- Emma said smiling-So, we're doing an q&a, and I'm going to answer some questions about my character, so...

-Ask away- Cole completed, raising an eyebrow and looking at her, trying to hide the smile on his lips.

-What he said- she said, looking at the comments-Oh, we have one already. What is my character name.

-That was expected- Cole said-And you should have said it already.

-Anyway- she said rolling her eyes- Her name is Julie Porter, and she has just moved back. She used to live in Riverdale, but moved away.

-There' s another-Cole said-Who is her love interest? Oh, that's a good one.

-So, when Julie lived in Riverdale, she used to be Archie's crush- Emma said -And now that she is back and, as Kevin said on the first episode,  Archie got hot, she kinda have a crush on him now.

-Is she friends with Betty an Veronica?- Cole read-Sorry folks, she's not. She's kind of a bad girl.

-She's friends with Cheryl- Emma said-They were friends since pre school, and now that she's back, they are going to be friends again, and Cheryl really needed that friend.

-Next one-Emma said, searching for an interesting question-Are you a villain?

-Hell yeah- Cole said with a mocking tone-You'll find out that she forced Mr. Blossom to kill Jason and she's the real devil behind everything.

-What can we wait for this season, what changed from season 1?- the girl read, thinking-Hm...i think Cole can answer that better.

-We caught the murder, but there still are some question, like, what happend to Cheryl and her mom, what about the babys, is Veronica's dad moving going to cause trouble, are the Coppers all together and okay, is Jughead becoming even more dramatic and dark, is Fred Andrews alive?- Cole said-There still a lot of questions to answer and a lot of new questions to pop. It's definitely going to be darker and more dramatic, and not just the characters, but the town. Riverdale is changed, nothing is going to be the same.

-Okay, we have time for one more question before we head to set-Emma said.

-Oh, I have one-Cole said looking at the comments and smiling-Are we dating?

-Oh, okay...-Emma said looking at Cole.  He smiles down at her and gave her a peck on the lips.

-Hell yeah, we are-he said, while she rolled her eyes

-Okay guys, so this was it- she said-I know it was fast, but I hope you guys liked it and are as excited as i am to see Julie in action.

-Bye- Cole waved to the camera as the turned it off.

-Okay. C'mon -she said putting her phone away and getting up-We have some work to be done.

-Or we could skip shooting and go to Mc'Donalds-Cole said

-Don't tempt me-she said, leaving the trailer-Let's just go.

-I don't want to-he pouted, making his puppy eyes

-If we go now I buy you a Big Mac-she said and he got up.

-Now we're talking-he said and she laughed.

I want season 2 already OMG

also, 10K views!! thank you guys!

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