ch 4

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(jenny pov)
I wake up with jake, chad, Anthony on me, I groan "you guys are heavy" chad and they get up   "when ever your  jenny meet me in the office its really important " I get up "ok" I go down stairs and I get a banana and I go in the office "so what do you need me for " I sit down and I start to eat my banana "so there are rumors going around the house like me " my heart drop

Jake pov

I'm pranking jenny that she is going to get kicked out of team 10 haha "so there are rumors going around the house like me " she stutters and said "that's true " she looks down "well you should know about how this happened before so I have to say either get over me and never be as clingy as you are or I can kick you out of team 10 I see her face go blank and pale

Jenny pov

No no no I want to stay but I cant get over him "f......fine ill get over you " i sniff "are you crying " jake asks " no I'm a man i don't cry " i wipe my tear "no your crying would it make you feel better if I told you it was a prank " I'm sad frown turned to an angry frown as he hugs me tight "why would you do that to me" he laughs "I'm so sorry jenny " I go and take a shower and I get dressed I go and jump on jakes back as he was vlogging " sup jake paulers " i say to his vlog "hey jenny just the person I want to see so are you down to do a kiss roulette kinda thing erica is boring and doesn't want to play so you want to it will be me ,chad, chance, Anthony, and the Martinez twins " I get off "yeah sure why not jake spins the wheel first he lands on Anthony and I laugh hard when they kissed.I  spun the wheel and it landed on jake my heart skipped a beat my first kiss "oh i don't know if this is wired but this would be my first kiss" I state "your so innocent " Ivan says and jake holds my cheek and I kisses my lips so passionate I felt my body melt it lasted 2 seconds but I felt like 2 minutes

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