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I am 9 months pregnant  and soon in 4 days I will give birth to my baby girl   we had finally  picked the name her name will be Isabella Lee paul  I got her nursery  good and ready

I am 9 months pregnant  and soon in 4 days I will give birth to my baby girl   we had finally  picked the name her name will be Isabella Lee paul  I got her nursery  good and ready

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Later that day

"How's my baby girls doing " Jake points the camrea  and me "were good I have been having some hicks but that's all normal  " I smile and rub my stomach it's weird that I'll have my baby girl so soon. I went to my bed and was about to lay down and I was geting bad contraction jake came in the room to comfort me  soon a later this liquid  ran down my leg and I knew "my water broke " Jakes eyes wide  and we go to the hospital  and in fact I was in labour   four days early.
It's been 5 hours and I'm about to give birth soon we will get our baby I'm so excited  
Minutes  later I had to start pushing sooner or later I hear a screams and crys and I see Jake crying and they lifted up Isabella  "look at her she is so cute " the doctors  say  I start to cry

2 week later

We have been up late taking care of Isabella I took a pic of her and I posted  it on instagram 

We have been up late taking care of Isabella I took a pic of her and I posted  it on instagram 

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( I just found a random baby)

I woke  up to cryin again and I got up and I about to change her diper and I smelt it and it smelt like death I opened it and I was every where "Jake wake up we got a bad one " he got up "again she is just like me " I giggled and we finished her diper and we fell back to sleep. We woke up at 7 and I made jake some food and I gave the baby some milk  "so how does it feel to be a father " I feed  Isabella. "Well let's see for the 18 years I will have a responsibility  of making sure she is fed cleaned and helthy... I feel grate "  we laugh "honestly  I love Isabella  so much "

Jakes mom was coming over and my dad. The door bell rang jake answered  and hid mom and my dad came in " oh my god "his mom said as my dad washed his hands. "Let me hold my grand baby " I hand Isabella to my dad and his mom washed her hands
"Hey Isabella I bet your gonna be a strong little cookie like your mom mabey get in some boxing " my dad was telling Isabella all these  thing and he gave her to jakes mom " so you gonna teach her korean honey " my dad asked me. "Well we haven't  disused  it yet but probably  " I sit next to him. "You better your mom would be on you about teaching Isabella korean oh and don't forget  a Korean name for her  " I smile and nodded "I got it don't worry  "

A couple hours later 

"So jake I was talking to my dad and he wants us to give her a Korean name and her learn korean would that be fine " I asked.  "But what if she starts speaking  it to me it's gonna be hard " I brush it off telling him it's fine and he agreed  and I was thinking about a Korean name

"So her name will be  Park Sung Byul
And for me my name is Park Yeon Hyo do you want one because  one day your going to Korea and you gonna meet all my family " I nodded

"Ok got it I was thinking and what about Park Jae Hyuk"  

(Week later)

"Jake I have to go to the store can you take care of her " he nodded and got up and took her  and I left ohh god it feels so wierd  with out her I hopes she is ok. At the store. I grab everything I needed and I was off to the houes. I got home and I see Jake and Isabella sleeping  I quickly  grab my phone and I take a pic. I walked up to them and I kissed Jake "baby I'm home " he opened  his eyes and smiled  "im glad she was a hand full " he exaggerated  and chuckled "so  I got some new food  and I got her more formula  " he looks at me all funny like. "Don't you think that's enough  you already  have like 3 cans." I put  food away "is 3 cans gonna last us all year until she is off no I didn't  think so "

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