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(Rivendell which is now advanced in great technology. Mechanical and scientific machines built by the gods themselves, was the cradle of life. A paradise of elder gods who created it.

Rivendell the heart of this unknown universe will be divided between two powerful brothers. Elyon, known as the god of hope, strength, courage, war, justice, light and the god of life...His elder brother, Raz-el the god of science, ruled the city Isengard and controls gates of the abyss..finding strength and bitterness in the isolation of gods, Raz-el grew stronger as time passed. This, no one knew and no one knew how.
But then, the day will come when the great father of the elder gods, Trygon, will crown a new king. It would be a decision that would test the bond between brothers...and the fate of all Rivendell.)

(Rivendell, the engagement ceremony of Alexio and Laura. Great elder gods Trygon and Talus blesses Alexio. It is a massive ceremony, different elder gods from each of the nine realms brings gifts and blessings to fuel their divine bond.)

SPEAKER: .......(he announces loudly)..Aquarius of Aegir, god of wisdom and the seas.
(Aquarius steps forward and places a gold helmet before Alexio's and Laura's throne. Alexio smiles and nods to Aquarius)
AQUARIUS: Elyon, son of Trygon and Themis. I bless thee with wisdom in battle so that you may protect your queen and fight against enemies of the light, let the waters refresh and cleanse your hearts of darkness.(he bows his head and walks aside)
SPEAKER: Princess of Sheela of magnesia, goddess of divine bond.......

(And so on, the elder gods all show their respect and agreement in the bonding of both Alexio and Laura until...Orion, once lost brother of Trygon arrives)

Orion: No one invited me!.(the ceremony is at a stand still. Trygon rises from his throne.)
TRYGON: Orion?
RAZ-EL: how can this be?
ORION: what are you waiting for!? An invitation!? (They both laugh and embrace each other.)... It has been so many years, brother.
TRYGON: I saw you, the mighty hands of the blackness took you.
ORION: it doesn't matter now, I'm back. Raz-el.
RAZ-EL: uncle... (Orion turns to Selene)
ORION: little one.
TRYGON: my youngest, Selene.(Orion looks back to the crowd)
ORION: many have flourished since my fall.
TALUS: welcome back.(Orion smiles)

ALEXIO: father had a brother?.
THEMIS: We thought he was consumed in the flames, Eons ago...(Alexio doesn't feel too good about this)

ORION: (for all to hear). Well...My brother has been doing a hell of a job with Rivendell. Our father will be so proud of him. Proud of you all. People of Rivendell. (The crowd cheers)
TRYGON: Orion. This is the engagement ceremony of my second son, Elyon and his bride to be, Laura of kandor, daughter of our friend, king Talus.(He whispers)
ORION: (he turns to Alexio and Laura)..please, forgive me, young nephew. Congratulations, you won a fine bride.
ALEXIO: Thank you.
TRYGON: Brother, are you fairing well?
ORION: Perfect, brother...speaking of brides. (He turns to Themis looking at her as if she once owed him). Well well let's not interrupt the ceremony.
TRYGON: Orion.....
ORION: (for all to hear)..I sure did bring my blessings and gifts for my nephew. It's time things changed for the better.
TRYGON: what change? (He whispers)
ORION: Proteeeeuuusss! Come forth!(a sudden silence. A larger demon rises from the Abyss, hordes of demons storms the ceremony holding the people captive.)
TRYGON: (draws out his gold staff) Orion! What is this!? (Orion turns to Trygon.)
ORION: you, my brother, have destroyed what was meant to be! No more shall you!
ALEXIO: what is he talking about?
ORION: you left me for dead! You thought it'll consume me forever! Now you take what is aaaaaalll mine, you claim my world!(he draws out his blade).
TRYGON: Orion enough of this madness!
ORION: fight me brother! Or watch your blessed world suffer!(the demons slaughter the citizens)
TRYGON: I will not fight my own brother! (He walks to Orion and embraces him)..enough, Orion.
ORION: what is done here, is you.(he stabs Trygon.)
THEMIS: (she screams)...noo! Trygon.(Alexio tries to attack but Orion blasts him down)

GODS AMONG US: CLASH OF GODSWhere stories live. Discover now