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A/N: so here it is, the end of this story! Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, voted on this story. It means a lot!!

Hope you enjoy this final chapter and I'll be seeing everyone again soon!

Love Emma x


A few hours had passed before Jackie returned. She wasn't sure what to expect upon returning, but she hoped that the Doctor had really listened to her and had spoken to Rose. Before she left he had clearly been about to; Jackie only hoped that he hadn't chickened out completely at the last moment.

As she walked up the stairs towards her flat, Jackie considered turning back and knocking on the TARDIS door. The ship was still in the same place it had been for the last few days, so he hadn't left, but there was no guarantee that he wasn't back inside once more. However, she figured that seeing if he was still inside the flat where she'd left him was the best way to find out if he had run away or not. She was mad enough at him as it was, so there was no telling how she would feel if she found out how much of a coward he could be.


Inside the flat, the Doctor and Rose had long since moved out of the living area and were in Rose's room, making sure that everything that needed to be packed had been so before they eventually left for the TARDIS.

Much to the Doctor's usual despair, Rose had said that it was best if they waited for Jackie to return before they left. However, given the current situation, the Doctor agreed aware that it was the right thing to do. Besides, there were things he still needed to say Jackie before they left. He didn't want to, of course not, but he knew it was needed; especially if it led to them eventually being able to move on from this shocker of a visit.

They didn't talk much as they packed; there was none of their usual fleeting banter, but it didn't feel as awkward as it had before. Since their talk, only moments a go in the great, grand scheme of things, the air had cleared somewhat, but there were still bits floating around, lingering. But they were comfortable now in each other's presence again, and that was a start.

Once finished in Rose's room, Rose made her way out of the room and back into the living area, turning back on the television. She's barely said a word to the Doctor, who followed behind, and found that the use of non-verbal communication was an easier option – a small smile here and a specific look in the eye there. She was grateful in that the Doctor hadn't tried to force their original relationship back upon them, trying to make out that everything was fine and dandy when it was as far from that as it could be without them being apart. She was grateful that he understood – it was as much his problem as it was hers. He might be a nine-hundred year-old alien, but he understood human emotions more than some may give him credit for. Rose guessed that when faced with a situation like the one they were currently in, there were some emotions that didn't discriminate against species.

It took Rose a moment to realise that the Doctor was no longer in the room with her. She knew that he had followed her from her room, but it wasn't until she heard the kettle start to boil that she realised he had gone into the kitchen.

Not long later, he emerged back into the living room with two mugs of tea and a plate of biscuits balanced precariously on his arm.

Rose looked round at him and immediately got up to take the plate off him before it fell off his arm.

"Careful," she told him as she did so. "You'll land up making a mess!"

"Wouldn't be the first time," the Doctor replied as Rose placed the plate on the table as he did the same with the mugs.

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