He's here for sure

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Chapter 7- A.C.T

The day ended just like that with us chatting about nothing else but school, life experiences and such. Momoi was the most excited. The night arrived. It was crescent moon and the temperature slowly dropped. Since we're close to the forest, it's cold. Momoi and I stayed in a room and the other 6 shared the same room.

"Ryuu-chan !" Momoi shrieked happily. "I'm so happy I get a companion here. Oh did Akashi ask you to come ?" she asked.

"Ah? No. I came here against his will actually ." I answered.

"But he told me 'don't worry, you won't be sharing your room with us. There will be someone who will come and stay with you' and he sounded so confident and plus he's absolute so i believed him. But i didn't thought you would really come ."

I fell silent. "... R.. really ?"

Momoi didn't hear me and went to the bathroom. I went out of the room to the corridor.

[[So let me explain how this place looks like. I'm not good at describing so sorry. It's 2 rooms attached and does not attach with others. It's like just one piece like that and the others is the same, 2 rooms attached with corridor. And it's not that arranged, it's like one there one here one at that side and something like that.]]

How did Akashi knew all this. I frowned. He's really something. Maybe that's why Kazuki wants him. After a while, Momoi got out and she stood beside me wearing blue pajamas.

"Hey, Tsuki ," I spoke. She looked at me. "I wanna cool my head for a while. I'll be back later ." then walked away. Momoi caught up. "Wait! I wanna follow you !" she said then walked beside me.

"You seem to be deep in thought, what's wrong ?" Momoi asked. I held my breath.

"Nothing much. Don't worry ." I faked a smile. Momoi nodded. Suddenly I stopped. I felt a chill. Looking behind, I saw a man wearing all black holding a baseball bat or whatever it is called then pitch black.

"Huh, I thought low class molesters like you guys were extinct long ago already. So you're the survivors ?" I asked after I woke up, only to find that my hand was tied at a chair under a tree. Momoi was unconscious beside me, hand tied too. 2 guys stood before us, looking down on us with the baseball bat still on their hands.

"Don't talk back! You're supposed to cry for help and begged us! Hahahaha !" one of the guy who had mustache laughed. The other is quite bigger and bald. This scene is so familiar. Maybe these guys read too much shoujo mangas and tried to do the threatening things then the hero will save the girl, ehem but I can settle this myself.

"That girl is so pretty she must have a boyfriend right ?" the bald asked, pointing to Momoi. I kept silent, my face as calm as possible. Even though I left my katana at the room, I'm sure these guys are weak as a cockroach.

He took out two phones. I recognized mine. I sighed. They're quite handful. Well, I might as well see how they play. "Let me call someone.. hmm, let's see~" the mustache said, scrolling the contacts on Momoi's phone. He held mine in the other hand, not really interested.

"Why don't you look at my phone ...?" I asked.

"Huh ? You mean this ?" he raised his hand that was holding my phone then dropped his hand. "Sorry, I'm not interested in a flat-chested girl like you ." he answered.

WHAATTT ?! I gritted my teeth. That is so rude!

"Tetsu-kun, Dai-chan, Kicchan, Akashi Seijuurou.. hm, where did I hear that name?" he paused for a moment then back to life. "Oh, a man who was calling just now did say this name. Hmm, maybe I'll try this Akashi guy ." the moustache continued.


"Can I ask? Please describe the face of the man who was calling just now whom you just encountered !" I said.

The mustache man raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Why should I listen to a flat-chested girl like you ?"

This man is too much! Wait till I gouge your eyes out of your eyes socket and—

"Yes Satsuki, what's wrong ?" I heard Akashi's voice. I looked up and saw the mustache man was holding the phone about 30cm from my face. Oh, he called him already.

"Are you Akashi Seijuurou ?" the mustache man asked.

I can feel he's frowning right now. "Yes, what do you want ?" his voice became serious.

"Do you know that your-" before the mustache man could continue his words, I interrupted.

"You guys are pathetic aren't you ?" I asked loudly. The mustache and baldy man looked at me with an obvious annoyed face.

"Ryuuki, you're there? What happened ?" Akashi asked.

"Nothing important Akashi. No worries ." I answered, grinning at those 2 men, my hands was already working on the not-so-tight rope.

"You bastard !" the baldy man attempted a punch. I moved aside, bringing the chair along since the rope hasn't been undone yet. The mustache man hit my head with a baseball bat.

"Ow! That hurts !" I said then kicked his stomach and punched the baldy's face. The mustache man lost his grip on the bat and that was when the rope was undone and I quickly took the bat from him.

"Too bad for you guys. Run and repent or be crushed and repent. Or rather, be killed and never can repent. Choose ." I smiled.

"Die you flat-chested jerk !" the mustache man wanted to hit me again but I pointed the baseball bat at him, 2cm away from his nose.

"By the way, I am really angry for what you called me ." I said.

He trembled in fear. "I-I'm sorry! Please spare my life !" he bowed. The baldy recovered fast and tried to attack me again. I ducked down my head and his fist landed on my palm.

"Swear that you will repent ." I ordered. They looked frightened and I was satisfied.

"My my, what a disaster happened here. We might as well bring you two to the police station ." a familiar voice said and 2 figures appeared. The Chaos. I smiled.

"With full respect, please arrest them Storm ." I said.

"Sure, why not ?" Storm said and Blizzard grabbed the mustache and baldy's arm and walked away.

"Huh! That was easy !" I sighed. Momoi woke up, groaning in pain. Her head got hit and it was bleeding.

"Tsuki! Uh, hang in there! I'll bring you back !" I said, taking her weak arms and wrapped it around my shoulders. She could hardly stand.

"Satsuki! Ryuuki !" I heard someone called. Ah, help has come. Thank goodness! My legs itself is wobbling because of the coldness, I cannot endure low temperature to be honest (=_=). And now that I'm just wearing a t-shirt... We fell down together. Aomine appeared. His face was sweating a lot and looked worried.

"Aomine !" I called and he came to us. He looked as if he was about to cry. "Your Satsuki is safe. Bring her back ." I said and he carried Momoi.

"You okay Ryuuki? Your face is bleeding a lot ." Aomine asked.

"I am forever okay so don't worry !" I gave him a thumbs up and he slightly smiled. "You head back to the room ." I said. He nodded then walked away.

"You should head back too ." someone grabbed my arm, forcing me to stand up. I looked at the person.

"Oh, Akashi ." I muttered.

"What happened ?" he asked calmly, releasing my arm as I stand up.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, I have a more important business ." I said and walked.

Akashi stopped me. "What business ?" he asked.

I sighed. I can never win against him. "Kazuki's here. Those 2 idiots mentioned him earlier although I'm not really sure ." I answered.

He frowned. "Get back to the room right now or die ." Akashi's stern order had arrived. I pouted.

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