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Dear Dana,

You don't know me, but I know you very well. I wanted to send my condolences for the death of your mother and father. Alcohol and drugs may seem like the answer, but it never is. Everyone, such as your teachers and guidance counselors, says that but now you know they really mean it. Please don't ever go down that route. I could lose my job, you know.

I also wanted to say how proud I am of you. You sacrificed your firstborn, ethereal son just to give him a better life. Not a lot of people can do that. You also went back to school this September. Maybe one day, you'll rise and show everyone that strength is found everywhere.

At first, I was freaking out. You ran away, got pregnant, and dropped out of school. I thought that I was doing something dreadfully wrong. You were acting just as your mother did when she was your age. Maybe it's just in your DNA. But you proved me wrong. You gave your son a better life, went back to school and started a better life for yourself.

You are proof that capabilities are infinite; that everything happens for a reason.

And hey, maybe I am doing something right.

After all, heaven has a plan for all of us.

Stay safe, Dana.

Your Guardian Angel

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