chapter 11 - meeting an old friends

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* Elizabeth 's POV*

The snow was pure white and thick in the woods there I was in the trees searching for an old friend in the States I heard he was having trouble so I told Vladimir and Stefan that I was leaving England and that I would be back if I needed them I would call for them so I left to find my friend as I was searching I saw  a vampire with a child and a wolf the vampire left and the little girl ran deep in the woods catching snow flakes the wolf didn't notice her absence she looked up at me and asked me if I was lost out of curiosity I asked for her name her last name was familiar I asked her if she was lost she nodded in agreement I carried her under my pitch black cloak  and the hood was covering her pale face  "what is your name ?" She asked me "Elizabeth Macey....give me the directions and I'll bring you home ok" "make a left here" Elizabeth ran to the Cullen household still with her hood up a guy with tanned skin and black hair had asked me why I was here "I'm here looking for a Carlisle " the next thing I knew all of the Cullen's where outside "what brings you here ?" "Well 2 things one I believe you lost someone " Renesmee hopped off of my back and went to the female vampire I saw earlier "and two " I pulled my hood revealing my face "I heard an old friend of mine is in trouble with the Voltori and I would like to help " "it's been a long time Elizabeth since I've last seen you I believe it was at the ball in the Victorian era" "that would be correct what did ye do that got the Voltori mad " everyone went inside Carlisle had explained the problem to me and the child had given me proof by putting her hand on my cheek " oh sorry this is an old friend of mine from the Victorian era this is Elizabeth Macey " the mother of the child had butted in " I've heard your name before " I was confused how on earth did she hear my name before but she had explained herself "at Halloween my dad would tell me an old story of a maid named Elizabeth Macey she was a Victorian maid but she fell in love with a vampire named Thomas  but a different women had loved him also and  she pushed him down a cliff and she fell down aswell Elizabeth became a vampire and  haunted every women that loved a man " "spooky " I replied " but I can a sure you that didn't happen " Carlisle continued speaking "Elizabeth has powers she has the power to heal so for example if we were in a fight and our arm was ripped off she could connect it back to your body " "so she's a healer " Emmett commented " correct " Alice entered the room with a vase she froze and the vase broke into tiny little piece Jasper rushed to her side and asked what was the vision Alice spoke out loud " the Voltori ...there coming for us " they then knew that they were in deep trouble Carlisle and the other member's of the Cullen family went to different locations to get help as they were gone I  stood on the roof and  took a deep breath and whispered  in a different language it was a way that Vladimir, Stefan and myself communicated if we really needed each other I could here Edward's car coming close I jumped off of the roof and greeted them Bella and Edward needed to talk Renesmee wanted to hear stories of when I was human I told her the fun I had as a maid and how I met Vladimir and all the things we did " so he gave you that cloak " " ya he did it's very special to me " I could hear some unknown voice's the Cullen's friends had arrived I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings I was searching for Vladimir and Stefan the Cullen's and there friends were in the woods training Bella's new power all of a sudden I could get a smell a smile appeared on my face it's them

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