chapter 10 - the masquerade ball pt.2

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*flashback *
When all of this is over  I want you to runaway with Elizabeth it's clear to see she ....she loves you Vladimir
*end of flashback*

Vladimir and Stefan walked in the 2nd ballroom Stefan whispered in Vladimir's ear "the plan has changed  Elizabeth can't play since she is injured so what's gonna happen is May going to tell Aro to go into the hallway Andrew will let us know when to go and we take him out got it " "got it "

*Vladimir's thoughts *
I swear the Voltori will pay for what they have done to my fair maiden
*end of thought *

They smiled and laughed for a while from the corner of there eyes they saw May talking to Aro he began to leave Vladimir and Stefan put there mask on they waited for the signal Andrew went over to the crowd that were talking to Vladimir and Stefan "would any of ye care for drinks ?" everyone took a glass  Andrew whispered in Vladimir's ear "now" Vladimir tapped Stefan's shoulder "we must be leaving excuse us " discretely they left the ballroom without the Voltori seeing them as Benjamin was walking down the hallway he quickly slipped a note in Vladimir's hand he quickly opened it

Elizabeth is ok she is unconscious  in her room you can get her when ever your ready good luck

He put the note in his pocket within the distance there was Aro waiting they began to get closer all of a sudden another member joined Aro it was Caius they quickly hid in one of the rooms immediately Vladimir recognised the room Stefan shut the door but left a small bit open so he could see what was happening  Vladimir kneeled down next to the bed he but his hands through her hair and smiled "will you love me even though I'm not human I never thought I could ever love someone I love you Elizabeth and I always will my fair maiden " he hugged her tightly as he was hugging her he felt a piece of paper it was a letter addressed to him he opened it and read it

Dear Vladimir,

                        Even though you are due to leave next week I just wanted you to know that ever since you and Stefan have been here I've enjoyed your company it was really fun I know that it is unprofessional of me and it would never be allowed but I just wanted you to know that when ever you are around me I feel different not like a bad different but a good different and well I guess what I am trying to tell you is that I have developed feelings for you which won't mean anything to you since you will be leaving but I enjoyed knowing you and Stefan

                              Forever Yours

Vladimir felt so happy that she loved him "hey come on its time " Vladimir kissed Elizabeth and put his mask back on they exited the room but Aro was gone "where is he ?!" quickly Charlie ran to Vladimir and Stefan "quickly get out of here the Voltori they know that you were planning to killed Aro and they killed Benjamin they are searching for you " Vladimir grabbed Elizabeth  bridal style and they ran

The Voltori bursted into Elizabeth's room "WHERE IS SHE ? WHERE IS THAT HUMAN  " "Aro look a note " "what's this ? a love note aww isn't that sweet and it's to the last Romanian convent I know exactly where they are " and with that they left

*skip time *

Vladimir and Stefan were in an abandoned castle "I hope they won't find us here " there was no answer "we lost " "what's that ?" "I said WE LOST WE HAD THEM IN OUR HANDS AND WE LOST " Vladimir ignored him and made sure Elizabeth was ok "we can still get them Stefan " Stefan looked out the window he walked into a different room Vladimir made sure Elizabeth was ok and he ran after him he was gone for a couple of minutes Elizabeth slowly began to open her eyes her vision was blury and her head was pounding sore she moaned in pain she got up and looked at her surroundings she realised she wasn't in the mansion "where on earth am I ?" The door opened Elizabeth quickly turned around "my fair maiden " he quickly went over to her and hugged her tightly "thank god that you are ok I was so worried about you " "thank you but where am I ?" "We are at an abandoned castle " "why " "if I were you you should sit down " she sat down "ok first please do not panic " "ok?" "We are here because....the Voltori have found out what we were planning on doing " "and that is ?" Vladimir interrupted "we were planning on killing Aro the leader of the Voltori " "who are the Voltori ? "The Voltori is a group of ...." Stefan stepped in "the Voltori is a group of vampires that take care of other vampires so for example if a human knew about the existence of vampires then they would take care of it " "vampires? Is this some kind of prank  vampires don't exist " "our kind does exist Elizabeth " "wait your kind ? So what your saying is that 2 of ye are vampires " "yes" all of a sudden there fangs appeared "holy shit ye aren't lying " she began to shake she was too scared to move Vladimir moved closer she quickly  moved away  "my fair maiden please "   she put her hands up to protect herself  "Elizabeth I know that you love me your letter I read it and I love you look here is the letter " Vladimir quickly searched for the letter "it's not here it's gone it must have fallen out " "which means the Voltori knows about ye 2 great " "please Elizabeth don't be frightened it's ok I will never hurt you" "where's Benjamin? " "he's dead " "w-what ? What do you mean dead ?!" "The Voltori ripped his head off " Elizabeth began to cry "please don't cry " Vladimir hugged Elizabeth "why didn't you save him " "he told us to leave with you and to never look back" "he didn't deserve to die " she cried even more Vladimir held her tighter "I think it's best if we give her some space " Vladimir nodded Elizabeth was alone crying while looking out on the bright white moon as time moved on she had stopped crying as she looked out the window she saw something but couldn't make out what it was so she had decided to check it out she quietly opened the door and went to find the object see was a couple of miles away from the castle but it wasn't too far she had realised that it was the Votltori she ran as fast as she could to the castle Jane had spotted her she ran to her and grabbed her by the hair and dragged her over to Aro "good work Jane" the Voltori had torches 2 of the Voltori members grabbed Elizabeth and they walked to the castle one of the members put there hand over her mouth they got the torches and burned the castle Elizabeth tried to scream but she couldn't Vladimir and Stefan tried to get out they searched for Elizabeth but she couldn't be see " SHE'S OUTSIDE IN THE GROUND COME ON LET'S GO OUT THE WINDOW " they jumped out the window Vladimir ran over Elizabeth " my fair maiden wake up wake up Elizabeth please " he held her close he noticed her neck Vladimir's eyes widened "that basterd" "what? What did he do ?" " he bit her neck " Vladimir never released Elizabeth from his arms until she woke up since the castle was burnt down they stayed in a cottage  as time went by her skin went pail and she was becoming a vampire "come on Vladimir we have to find some blood and we need to find some for her too she will need it" it took Vladimir quiet some time to think about it but he knew for her sake he had to go they were gone for some time while they were gone she laid there as dead as anything all of a sudden her eyes shot open

" Stefan stepped in "the Voltori is a group of vampires that take care of other vampires so for example if a human knew about the existence of vampires then they would take care of it " "vampires? Is this some kind of prank  vampires don't exist "...

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Vladimir and Stefan arrived back they  saw that Elizabeth had turned into a vampire "my fair maiden how do you feel ?" "I feel reborn " "we can now be together forever " Elizabeth went over to Vladimir and hugged him "your kinda tight " "oh sorry " "here drink this you will have cravings so you must drink this " Vladimir handed her a bag "I don't think she will drink from a bag is there any cups to disguise it " Stefan looked through the cupboards he handed Vladimir the cup "ok here drink this Elizabeth " she quickly jugged the blood down the throat  and she liked it very much "I want to go back to the mansion " "why " "well I'm wearing a party dress and I need to change " "she's right we must go back to the mansion we must change he as well " they went back to the mansion  they walked through the dark and cold hallways they saw Charlie's head and Andrew's body Sebastian was dead as well Vladimir pulled her close "it's ok Elizabeth stay strong " Elizabeth quickly ran to her room she got dressed and exited her room she was wearing her maid outfit with the cloak Vladimir gave her " ah my fair maiden there you are how come your wearing your maid outfit ?" "This is the only outfit I have" "ok come on let's go " "wait" "what " "we have to burn down this place " "why " "someone could look for Sebastian and find out his dead and as well that he wasn't human " "ya your right ok Elizabeth please stand back outside while we burn the mansion " "ok" the mansion was burned down and they ran

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