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So one day Angel decided to BUILD A WALL to protect her frickin bags of Doritos.  Kyle built a WALL also and instead of Doritos it is FRICKIN donuts on bagels. Kyle loved like donuts on bagels. ANGEL WAS SALTY AND SHIT SO SHE CHALLENGE KYLE TO A ONE V ONE AND THE WINNER CAN FRICKIN KILL THE LOSER AND BLOW UP THIER FAVORITE STUFF. So that happens and there were many explosions of burritos, tacos, and frickin SALT. Kyle on the other hand haz a prob with Mexicans... ANGEL WAS FRICKIN TRIGGERED AND BLEW UP KYLE'S FAMILY AND HIS HOME BECUZ HER FRIENDS ARE FROM MEXICO. MANY PEOPLE DIED BUT IN THE END. Kyle died (not really) ANGEL CELEBRATED WITH A SHOT GLASS FULL OF BEEEEEEEEEERRRRRR AND IT WAS RACIT BECUZ IT WAS WHITE BEER. She didnt however eat the doritos. She BURNED kyle's LAYZZ and Teabaged them :3

:3 [The End] :D

Kyle and AngelWhere stories live. Discover now