:-: I was forced to

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Chapter 7 is rlly "romantic" :3

Sorry for the cliffhanger here is the full story

SO one day (or night idfc what you call it), ANGEL and Kyle were at BURGER king on da shift. Kyle and Angel are the only people there. *smexy saxophone music playing*. They were also on the last customer on the line and the rest of the people in burger king were either using teh internet or just eating. Angel was the cashier and Kyle apparently can "cook". So when they were done with their shift they BOTH walked in to the back room and started to make out and shit. Angel started to reach for the door cuz they were done. THERE WAS THE MANAGER AND HE WAS LIKE ER MER GERD YOU TO ARE FIRED CUZ THERE IS NO MAKING OUT AT FRICKIN BURGER KING. SO Kyle and Angel later travelled to thier home in crap. So then they came back and ate some mcdonalds becuz mcdonalds is Ok. SO THEN KYLE AND ANGEL WERE GONNA DO A CHALLENGE. WHOEVER CHUGS THIER SODA THE FASTEST WINS. ANGEL WON

[Da end]
Or is it???

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