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"Teacher Maine, look at what I made!" One of Maine's kindergarteners exclaimed excitedly as she proudly showed Maine the chunk of clay that was her creation. She stared at her student's creation for a minute as she tried to decipher what it was. "It's really pretty Scarlett." She answered with a smile. She finally gave up trying to make out what it was but did not want her student to know.

"It looks exactly like my pet dog at home." Scarlett continued. Maine gave a sigh of relief. "It's a really nice dog. Put it on the table over there so everyone can see. Just look for your name." Maine answered as she led Scarlett to a corner in the room. Maine checked the big clock on the wall and learned that they only have a few minutes before school was finished for the day. She then herded her group of kindergarteners and instructed them to clean up. She has been teaching kindergarten classes for three years now and has been enjoying it immensely. She has always loved children and being a teacher was a perfect way to be around them all the time. After cleaning up, Maine led her students in a farewell song and hugged each one of them goodbye. When the last student finally left, she let out a sigh and plopped down on the teacher's chair. She was exhausted. Handling 10 overactive kids is not an easy job and she was usually spent at the end of the day.

She looked out of the big window and watched the other kids playing in the playground. She couldn't help but smile as she watched them. She loved kids and had always hoped to someday have one of her own. However, it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon. She didn't even have a boyfriend let alone a husband. She was 24 years old but she's never had a boyfriend ever since RJ saved her from that good for nothing ex-boyfriend of hers almost eight years ago. It wasn't because nobody was interested. She's had her fair share of admirers through the years. It was just because she hasn't found anybody worth giving her heart to yet. On second thought, she has long admitted to herself, she had found him a long time ago. He was just not interested and looks like he never will be. She was just a friend to him and she will always remain a friend. She could never hope to be in the same league as the women he dated. She sighed again. That's the story of her non-existent love life.

She knew that her parents especially her mother was getting worried about it. They had been pestering her on wanting to have a grandchild for some time now and they fretted that it might never happen. Her mother couldn't understand why she was not interested in any of her admirers. She had to admit that there were a few of them who would've made a good husband but she couldn't bring herself to say yes to any of them. It would be unfair for them because her heart already belonged to someone else.

Maine opened her drawer and took out a picture that was tucked inside her lesson plan book. It was a picture of her and RJ taken during her 23rd birthday. He had surprised her with a party at one of the top restaurants in the city. It wasn't a big affair, just them and their closest friends but it touched Maine immensely knowing that he arranged everything for her. Surprisingly, she and RJ have become close throughout the years and she could say that he considered her as one of his closest friends. She's always been there during his ups and downs and he had accepted her as a constant feature in his life. Their other friends always referred to her as RJ's girl. You could say that she was Jerald's girl version. If Jerald was his best guy friend, she was his best girl friend. Their relationship has remained completely platonic and Maine had to endure years of seeing him with other women. He was a playboy after all. Joyce, Kris' wife and her best friend since preschool, has always lectured her about it. She knew very well of Maine's hidden feelings for the handsome playboy and she couldn't understand why her friend continued to harbor feelings for someone who could not love her in return. Call her pathetic but she would gladly take what RJ had to offer. If it was only friendship that he could give her then she would accept it with no complaints. Maine gave a sad smile. Looks like she was going to die a spinster.

Her phone suddenly rang, bringing Maine out of her thoughts. She fished her phone out of her bag and checked the caller id. "Speaking of the devil". She thought as she read RJ's name.

"Yup?" she answered as she brought her phone to her ears.

"Maine?" RJ's smooth voice was heard on the other line. "Are you busy?" He asked.

"Nope, school's out for the day. I'm just fixing my things in the classroom. Why?" she replied.

"Can you drop by my place?" He asked.

"You mean today?" she clarified.

"Yes." he confirmed. "That is if you're not busy."

"Is there something wrong?" Maine asked uneasily. She couldn't figure out why he would want her to go and see him at such short notice. She had to admit that she often dropped by his condo unit unannounced every once in a while and he never seemed to mind but he never really requested her to go- until now.

"I just want to talk to you about something." he said mysteriously, heightening her curiosity.

"What is it about?" she persisted.

"Just come. You'll know soon enough." RJ said.

Maine let out a defeated sigh. Why can't she ever say no to him? "Alright, I'll be there in 30 minutes." She finally gave in.

"That's great!" RJ exclaimed. She could feel him smiling through the phone. "See you in a few minutes Maine. Bye."

"Bye." she whispered back and she put her phone back inside her bag as soon as she pressed the end button. She then gathered her things and headed out the door.

What could RJ possibly want to talk about? She felt fear in her heart. What if he was going to tell her that he had fallen in love and he was going to get married? Maine's heart dropped in despair. She's always been dreading that day. She knew that it was highly unlikely given his playboy image and he seems to enjoy his current lifestyle. But still, anything could happen and she's always believed that there was someone out there who was destined for each person. What if RJ unexpectedly found his?

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