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Richard fidgeted in his seat as he waited for the plane to land at the JFK airport in New York. He took the first flight he could get as soon as he had packed a small overnight bag to take with him. He did not bother packing a lot as it would take up so much of his time and he figured that he can just buy everything he needed in New York anyway.

On his way to the airport, he called his mother to ask if she could take over the company while he's gone. At first he was a little worried about how his mother would react to his plans. Technically he was abandoning his work at a moment's notice and his mother was never the type to condone such things. Much to his surprise, she seemed to be very enthusiastic when he informed her about his sudden trip to New York. She even encouraged him to stay as long as he wants and not to worry about the affairs in the company.

Richard tried to relax. Maine has no idea that he is coming since he wanted to surprise her. Initially his plan was to tell her outright that he loved her as soon as he arrived but then he realized that it might come as a shock to her. It had also struck him that she might not love him in return. He was so caught up with his own revelation that he has not stopped to think if she felt the same way towards him.

After mulling over it for hours, he finally decided to keep his feelings for the meantime. Instead, he has resolved on courting her. If it so happened that she did not love him in return, he would do everything to make her fall for him. Letting her go is not an option. He realized that he did not have the strength to do that anymore.

Richard pulled out his phone as soon as he stepped out of the airport. He contacted Maine's bodyguard and asked him where Maine was. Richard smiled as soon as he got the location and quickly entered the car that he rented for the trip.

Maine looked down at the edge of the building and marveled on how high she is. She clutched her coat tightly against her as she shivered from the cold bitter air that was biting on her skin. The view was amazing. She can see the entire city from where she is standing.

After a week in New York, she's finally decided to visit the infamous Empire State Building that she's seen so many times in the movies that she's watched. It was every bit as beautiful as how it is in the movies but she couldn't help but feel lonely that she's here all alone.

Maine glanced around her. She spotted some tourists taking pictures, parents with their children walking around and young couples cuddling each other. She suddenly felt a pang of loneliness as she watched the couples hug each other as if protecting each other from the bitter cold. What she would give just to have her husband beside her right at that moment.

Richard on the other hand, sighed impatiently as the car slowly inched its way through the New York traffic. He's forgotten how bad the traffic could be in New York. They've been stuck in traffic for almost thrity minutes and he already sent a message to Maine's bodyguard to keep her there until he arrives.

After another fifteen minutes, Richard finally decided to step out of the car and walk the rest of the way. His heart was pounding like crazy as soon as he reached the building. He took several deep breaths to calm his nerves as he made his way to the top.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, he immediately felt a certain feeling of contentment. He spotted Maine leaning against the railing looking down at the view. His restless heart finally settled as if it finally found what it lost. Without taking his eyes off Maine, he took a few steps towards her but stopped just a few feet away. He did not call her attention. Instead he contented himself in watching her, marveling at her as if he has just seen her for the first time. He slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled as he watched her.

Maine gazed out into the city without actually seeing anything. Her thoughts were caught up with memories of RJ. She's missing him so much and it hurt not to be able to tell him that. He did not call last night and she's worried that he may be mad at her. He ended their call so abruptly the last time that she thought she said something wrong.

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