Early Morning

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-Edited; 05/25/15-

Setting; Jamie's bedroom, 3 a.m., Saturday morning

Jamie's POV:

I just lay in my bed, staring lifeless into the ceiling. Then next thing you know, My phone started to vibrate out of nowhere. It scared the shit out of me. I swing my left arm lazily to the side of the bed. I turn on my phone, and all I see is Kik messages.

"Icie; 'Come over tomorrow!', Ros; 'We gotta plan something...' and, Angie; 'WTTTFFF, SHUT UPP!'"

I took my time replying to all the messages. It's weird that when I replied to Icie, she replied right away. I guess she had nothing else to do, so then she would stay up. Well, that's Icie. I mean like, it is the weekend. We started talking afterwards.

"Heyy, can you come over later?"

"Yeah. Sure. I have nothing else to do."

"Okay. Great. I need to tell you something...."

I sat up, and stared down at my phone frightened. Wondering what we're going to talk about. I shouldn't have to worry. I bet it's nothing serious, right?.. Well, anyways, I've got to get some sleep for the rest of the day. I just fell asleep on my bed, sleeping like a baby, with nothing to worry about for now. That's fine by me.


Icie's POV:

It's freaking 3 a.m. in the morning with nothing to do. I just walked around my room, slightly dark, with only my desk lamp on. I walk over to my desk, and grabbed my phone. I bellyflopped on the bed and went on my phone. I checked every one of my social media. I have mostly everything. Kik, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, etc. Surprisingly, I still have FlappyBird. Playing that game is big raging problem for me. I get mad easily, while playing games only. I don't bother to delete it, but I question myself why it's there. Laziness kicks in.

Sometimes, I think that I'm such a loser. I do nothing at my house, but chores on the weekend. My mother and stepfather is out on their honeymoon in Paris. I'm here, stuck with my stepbrother while he's looking after me. After thinking through all of these crazy things, my stepbrother barges in my room.

"Why are you still awake?"

I sit up properly, because I don't like it when I talk to people, while laying on my stomach. It hurts. After I sat up, I responded, "Dude, it's the weekend."

"That's not an excuse. Any more ridiculous reasons on why you're still up?"

"HA! 'Any more ridiculous reasons on way you're still up?'" I mocked him, because honestly, just because he's older than me, doesn't mean he has to act like my legal guardian. I resumed, "Dude, just stop. It is the weekend. Let me do what I usually do."

"Like go out with your friends than spending time with your brother?"

"STEP. You're my Step-brother, alright? Look, I know we don't know each other well but that doesn't mean you can hold me up from hanging out with my friends."

He just looked at me. Didn't say any words. Not even, but, if, or then. Nope. None of that. He just turned around, opened my door, then left. I didn't regret anything in that moment. After he left, I laid back in the middle of my bed. I slowly closed my eyes, but then I realized something. He didn't close the damn door. "That asshole." With my laziness kicking in again, I just knocked out.


Rosalyn's POV :

I didn't know that it was even 3 in the morning until I checked the time.

"Holy shit. I can't believe it's morning already!"

I hid myself underneath my blanket, hoping that my brother didn't wake up. I don't think that he heard me, since he sleeps on the other side of the room. Last time he caught me awake, he threw all of his pillows at me, then jumped on me. It was the weekend for crying out loud! He didn't have to be such a dramatic person about it. I on my phone like nothing's going to happen. I went on Kik, then I started messaging Icie and Angie in group chat.

Angie; "Is Jamie still awake?"

" Dun' kno' yet."

Icie; "Yeah, she is. I was talking to her, but it's weird cause' she didn't reply."

"Is she sick or something?"

Angie; "Nope. If she was, she would've updated us."

"True, true."

Icie; "She's also coming over later."

Angie; "So you gonna tell Jamie?"

"Wait, tell her what?.."

Angie nor Icie replied back. They read the message. I wait, but still no reply. I really didn't care, but at the same time, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. But as I always say, 'dun' bud into other people's bidness'. I just lay in my bed. Darkness, all around me. I heard footsteps coming towards my bed. I lay still. My brother lifts up my blanket, and there he finds me, fast asleep. He tucks me in, and quietly walks away.


Angelyn's POV:

It's 3 o'clock in the morning, and my room is cold as it was in air conditioning. I don't use air con though, just a ceiling fan and the windows open, yet, it was so cold. I turned on my bedroom light to walk around a little bit, so I don't get cold. When I finally got warmth, I crawled back into my bed. I didn't hold onto my phone, but I just turned it on from the spot it was. My lock screen is the four of us. Rosalyn, Jamie, Icie, and I. Sometimes, I just wonder if we're all really best friends. I didn't say the 'forever' part, because friendships come and go. Yes, I can get dark sometimes when it comes to relationships.

Icie and I have been keeping a something away from Ros and Jamie. It's complicated to say, and also understandering. It's kind of self explanatory though, okay. Not really.

Anyways, I just put down my phone to get up and warm myself again. I came over to my desk, opened the drawer, and pulled out my laptop. I went back to my bed and went onto my laptop. I checked my Skype, and found that Icie has been messaging me.

Icie; "Should we tell them? Or just keep it a secret? Never mind. We should tell them one by one?"

I looked at my screen confused, and then remembered what we were talking about.

I replied, "Um, yeah. I think we should tell them at the same time. It's best for all of us. But the thing is, they might freak out."

"I mean like, it's not that bad." She responded. Okay, she's not sleeping.

"Yeah, but, I think they would freak out."

"C'mon, it's not that bad."

"Yeah whatever. But I'm going to sleep now."

"Why so early?"

"You know I have sports."

"Oh yeah. Well, okay. See ya later. Night."


I closed my laptop, got up from my bed, and put it back into the drawer. I went back to bed, and was closing my eyes. Then I opened my eyes, because I forgot to turn off the lights, and I needed to pee.

"I hate my life."

Hey! You like the story so far? I'm thinking of making this in 2 more parts. Or I don't know, you tell me. Anyways, thanks for reading! :)


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