Chapter Two: Truth Or Dare?

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^^^ chelsea if any of you wanted to know (yeS ITS LEDAmONstErBUNNY)

"Curtis' place, tonight." Oliver said. "Can you make it? I promise SJ won't be there."

"Ugh, fine. For you, kiddo." I replied. If you couldn't tell, I'm not to much of a party person, more of a 'let's hang out at my house with only one other person until four A.M' person. "Promise, right?" I asked. And one of the reasons I'm not much of a party person is because I don't really like to be around people I don't know to well; kinda explains why Oliver and Chelsea are my only good friends.

"I promise, I won't even tell her I'm going over to Curtis' place tonight." He said.

"Right, c'ya. Won't tell Chels either, or do do you want her to come?"

"Your choose. Don't really care."

"Eh, I guess I'll ask her."


Calling: chelssss

"Hey, me and Oli are going over to Curtis' place in a few hours, wanna come?" I asked.

"I can'ttt," She sighed. "remember we're still in school, can't party just yet."

"Ugh, you're missing out, it's a Friday nightttttt." I said as I dragged the 't'. "SJ won't even be there."

"Damn good deal, but we both have have finals in a few weeks."

"Fine, do your boring school studying." I laughed.

"Hey hey, only a few more weeks then we can do all the stupid shit we want." Chelsea giggled.

"Right, only a few more weeks."

"Well, talk to ya' tomorrow."


Loud rock music filled my ears, and the smell of smoke. Curtis' place was surprisingly neat, a large blue couch with a smaller TV in front of it, and a few guitars hanging on the wall. There was a small glass dining table that could hold about four people, a small kitchen, and a few white throw pillows on the couch. The only people I recognized here was Oliver and the rest of Bring Me The Horizon, maybe a few others that I had seen once or twice before, but not many.

"Hey Leah!" I heard Matt Nicholls shout over the music. I had met all of Oli's band members a few times before, I've talked to them quite a bit but none of us are really close, but they're pretty nice.

"Hey guys!" I said over the music. "Thanks for inviting me." I smiled.

"No problem! Now, make yourself at home." Curtis joined in.

"Oi, thanks mate." I said as I pulled up a wooden chair from the small dining table. I could tell that people here would definitely be drinking, smoking, or something along those lines.

"Hey Leah," Oliver said as he swung his arm to the back of the couch.

"Heyo, Chelsea couldn't make it because she's worried about the finals" I said.

"Eh, understandable I guess."(qUE THE 'UNDERSTANDABLE HAVE A NICE DAY MEMEEeeeE') Oliver smiled.

The first hour or so was pretty chilled, just people listening to their favorite bands, drinking, having a pretty good time. I ended up in a conversation with four people, me, Oliver, Curtis, and another girl that was there named Aries, guessing she was a friend of Matt Nicholls. She had long, faded purple hair with side bangs, stretched ears, and other ear piercings, along with one lip ring. She wore a ripped up grey shirt, with ripped blue jeans with a red flannel tied around her waist. I wasn't normally this open with meeting new people, but she was pretty nice to all of us.

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