Chapter Six: Aries and The Band

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    Another day, another day at the recording studio with Bring me the Horizon. Being the girlfriend of Matt Nicholls, I kinda had to follow him to the studios, unless I wanted to be alone at our house all day. But I didn't mind going to watch the guys produce music, it was actually pretty entertaining to watch. Some days I was there I actually got involved, and plans some lyrics for some songs, or maybe I would set Matt's drums up, since I used to play the drums a few years back; before I met Matt. Some days I just play my guitar when the boys are just sitting around and talking. Its honestly a pretty good life.  

   "Arrriiieeeesss!!!" I heard a loud, scrawny voice call. It was either Matt N. or Oli. 

   "What?" I yelled out.

   "Get the fuck over here!" Matt N. yelled back, laughing.

      I put my guitar down on my chair and walked over to the other side of the studio. In the room I had walked into, there was all the band members sitting in a circle, passing around a piece of paper. 

  "What the hell do you guys want?" I laughed. 

  "You're good at writing lyrics, Aries, help us." Curtis said.

  "Okay, hand me the paper." 

  Curtis got up out of his seat and handed me the paper. Hmmm, I knew that the band was coming to an end of their first album, Count Your Blessings. I read off the notes on the paper. There were no lyrics, no drums. Just guitar. This was most definitely something different. I looked at the paper with a very confused expression. I put the paper down on an an empty chair. 

  "What are you guys trying to do?" I asked confused. 

   "We're going for something very different." Curtis said. "It's all acoustic guitar."

   "Hmm, In the middle of Count Your Blessings?" I said. "I mean, its a good idea, Oli's voice should definitely rest." 

  "Yeah, we were aiming to make it like the eye of the hurricane. The song is all calm, while the rest of the album is madness." Oliver said. "Matt, Curtis, could you two play it?" 

  Matt Kean and Curtis picked up their guitars and began to play the song. And I won't lie, it sounded beautiful.

   They both had finished playing the song and both said "So, how ya' like it?" 

  "I love it! It sounds fucking great!" I said laughing. "Whats its name?" I asked. 

  "Hm, that's what were stumped on." Matt N. said.

  "Really?" I asked. "What do you guys have for it?" 

  "Well, we only have two." Oli said. "Fifteen Fathoms, Counting,  and Cynical." 

 "Cynical definitely doesn't fit this type of song." I said, "I like Fifteen Fathoms, Counting."

 Oli and some of the other guys nodded their heads.

  "So Fifteen Fathoms, Counting. It is then?" Oliver asked. 

  "Yep! I like it." Matt Kean said, and the rest of the guys nodded their heads. Everyone got out of their seats and said bye to eachother. It had been a good seven hours at the studio, and it seemed everyone was going to Oli's house tonight, probably all going to party at a bar, like they do every night.


 Everyone in the band, including me, and somehow Leah, Chelsea and SJ ended up at Oliver's house. Leah and SJ were all dulled up. Well, really just SJ. Leah was dressed casually, but nicely. I had gone home to get dressed in something better than what I had woke up in. I straightened my hair, changed into a white, ripped shirt, and black, ripped jeans. Leah and Chelsea, I wasn't very close to, but they both seemed super chill and relaxed. I didn't know to well about what was going to happen tonight, but I knew what we were going to a huge party. I knew that Oli was most definitely get high off his ass, along with Matt N. and honestly, probably me. 

  We had arrived at the party, and let me tell you, it was not the normal "let's go to the bar and have a good time for a few hours tonight" party. It was going to be a very long night I could tell. This place was like half bar, half club, half probably drug dealing site. Oh well, it seemed fun. 

  About an hour after we got to this place was were the night really began. The band, SJ, Chelsea, Leah and I all kind of stayed in one big group. Up until now, all of us had just been drinking (except Matt Kean of course). Of course, Oliver and Matt N. had done the most out of all of us. By now, It was just about 12:00, and the party was just getting started. There was loud music, bright ass lights everywhere, and everyone was drunk. All of us were having a pretty good time, drinking, doing whatever. Oli, Matt N. and I ended up smoking with some random people that Oli and Matt and drunkenly made friends with. Curtis and Leah were both drinking together, from what I had heard Oliver say earlier, they've been hanging out a lot, I think they'd be cute together. As for where Lee, Matt Kean, and SJ went, I had no idea. Well, that was until I got up to go find Chelsea And Leah, since I wanted to talk to them, after all I've only met Leah once at a party with Curtis, and Chelsea was a complete stranger. 

  I got up out of my chair and left the smoke filled room to originally go to the bathroom, I couldn't find it for a good ten minutes, until I had stumbled around this club long enough to find it. I used the restroom, fixed my hair and makeup a bit, and left the bathroom. Not remembering how I got to the bathroom, I just continued to stumble around, where I eventually found Leah, Chelsea, Curtis, Lee and Matt Kean all together, 

  "Hey Aries!" Lee yelled over the loud music. "How'd ya' find us?" 

  "Oh, I didn't meannnn to." I slurred. "I just wanted to say hey to Leah and Chelsea!!"

  Leah and Chelsea both turned their heads at the same time, Leah, with bloodshot, half closed eyes looked straight at me, then smiled widely. 

    "Oh hey Aries! Its nice to see you again! Its been a while." She said enthusiastically.

   "Yea!" I said. "Sorry if i was bothering you guys I just wanted to say hi!" 

   Chelsea looked a little bit weirded out, I've never seen met her before, and she looked the youngest out of everyone here. 

  "Me Matt N., Oli and a few other people were smoking in a room with a few other people in that back room. Do you guys wanna come?" I asked without thinking. 

  "Hell yea!" yelled Leah and Curtis at the same time,bother laughing afterwards. And Lee, Matt K. and Chelsea nodded awkwardly. 

  "Well honestly, I have no fuckin' clue where it is, so were gonna have to look foe a bit." I slurred. 

  Me and everyone else spent a good 15 or 10 minutes looking for the room Oli and Matt were smoking in. And 10 minutes of me just stumbling around, led to me and Leah  about five feet away from SJ, we couldn't even see well, but we both knew it was her. And she was just openly making out with some random guy. And Leah and I both were pissed. 

  We had eventually found the back room Oli and Matt were in. By now it was probably around 3 or 4 in the morning, and all of us were having a good time, but we needed to leave. 

  "Oliver!" I screamed.

 He turned and looked at me, clearly very confused, I guess the others didn't tell him about SJ.

  "We leaving. Right now. All of us." I said sternly. 

  "What? Why?" Oli said confused. 

  "I'll tell you later." I growled. "We're leaving SJ here." 

  It had took some convincing, but we all left around 6:30 in the morning. We had called a cab and all crashed at Curtis' apartment. 

 There was lots of explaining to do.


aaeee i spent like three hours on this pls

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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