Not now

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You and Annie had a plan. Both of you ran to the forest you gave her a nod she shifted. She ran down the path in the forest. Eren turned he is head and noticed her. Mikasa looked behind them. I'll kill you this time Annie she said. She jumped off of her horse and used her gear to maneuver around Annie. Annie swatted at her mikasa cut her arm and Annie slowed down a little you watched from behind. Mikasa cut her other arm both of Annie's arms fell to her sides them group slowed down and look back at Annie. Eren go forwards with armin and hanji Levi said. Mikasa cut Annie's legs. Annie fell down mikasa went to cut her Nape Annie crystallized her neck. Her arm regenerated she swatted at mikasa. Mikasa hit and tree and mumbled something. Levi jumped off of his horse and went to attack Annie. He cut her leg and arm and cut her eyes. You jumped off the tree with your gear and went past Levi with a hood on your face. Who's that? Jean asked looking at the person moving around. You cut Levi's shirt making him glare at you. You jumped onto a tree throwing you blades at jean and replacing them. Annie had finally regenerated. She stood up and tried crushing jean. Mikasa stood up and glared at Annie and shouted ANNIE! Jean looked over and seen mikasa glaring at Annie. I'll kill you she said. Mikasa jumped up and went to cut her neck Annie moved her head down and grabbed mikasa. Mikasa gasped and looked at Annie. MIKASA jean yelled he hooked onto Annie and get her arm. Mikasa fell down and smacked off of the ground. You got close to jean and pushed him into a tree. You looked at Levi and seen him staring at you. Heh is someone upset you thought. You jumped near him and pushed him and circled around and grabbed mikasa's hood and pulled her down. Annie swatted at jean knocking him down. You jumped onto Annie's shoulder and she started running in the direction eren went. Mikasa was on the ground with jean and Levi was struggling to get up. You smirked and spoke to Annie. They are gonna be slower now we have time you said you noticed 3 people riding on horses it was eren and the others. There you said to Annie she nodded her head. Hanji turned her head and noticed you both. She shot a flare eren looked worried. Reinforcements had showed up and Annie smashed them into a tree she jumped on one. We can't just let her kill all of those people eren shouted. Armin just stared forwards with a weird expression on his face. Eren we have to keep going forwards hanji said serious. Annie started running faster while eren yelled. You jumped off her shoulder and went behind the trees you got close to eren and hit him off of his horse. Ah he yelled and smacked into the ground rolling. Annie stopped right infront of him and picked him up and ran past hanji and armin. WE HAVE TO GET HIM BACK hanji yelled. Armin nodded and both of them went forwards. Hanji jumped off of her horse and hooked onto Annie's shoulder. Annie blocked her neck. You got close to her hook and cut it. Hanji fell onto the ground and armins eyes widened and he continued to follow Annie. Mikasa showed up and glared at Annie. I'll kill you she said again. I don't think so you said coming out of your hiding place. (Y/n) mikasa mumbled. Heh you laughed. You pushed mikasa down and armin tried pushing you but you smacked him. You followed Annie. Finally you made it out of the forest you eventually came to the base. (REMEMBER SPOILERS LIKE THE IDENTITY OF THE ARMORED AND COLOSSAL TITAN!!!). Annie had got out of titan form and dropped down next to you. Good job she said. I always got your back you said putting your arm around her. Hey how are you Reiner said. Berthold walked next to Reiner and smiled. Annie looked at you and then back at them. He fought mikasa and Levi Annie said. Seriously Mikada always beat my ass in training Reiner said laughing. I don't know she doesn't seem that tough she always freezes when she's talks about me. It's weird you said. Berthold laughed and said she probably has a crush. You think so you laughed. You mine Annie said kissing you. You laughed and said of course. You should probably rest Annie Reiner said. Yeah I will she said walking to her room. Hey we're all gonna get some sleep I'll see ya later (Y/n) Reiner said.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed❤️❤️❤️❤️

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