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(Y/n) P.O.V

"The winner is...undecided!! I'll tell you next class! But now it's time for ballet!" Harley squeals. "Great now I gotta change into my ballet clothes." I grumble. "Are you any good at ballet?" Gene asks. "Are you?" I question looking at him. He shrugs. "I guess." He mumbles. I run over to the washroom and change quickly.

"Hey (Y/n) you've been in there for 7 minutes hurry up!" Gene says from outside the washroom

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"Hey (Y/n) you've been in there for 7 minutes hurry up!" Gene says from outside the washroom. "No no no! My mom packed me the wrong thing! It's pink!!" I yell. "Oh come on! Hurry up!" He growls. I slowly walk out. Gene stops being his usual grumpy self and stares at me. A light shade of pink appears on my cheek. "Stop staring! I'm ready let's go!!" I shout dragging him back. "Oh yeah sorry!" He exclaimed. We sat down. And the same thing happened a few people went up and performed. Then it was my turn. (Whatcha da video)

Once I finished everyone clapped. You know the usual. Then I sat back down. "Pretty impressive." Gene whispers. "Thanks." I respond. A few more people went up. Then "gene it's your turn." Harley says. He nods.
(Now it's genes turn this dude who dances in the vid is crazy talented, imagine gene half as good as him)

Once gene finished I just sat there staring at him. "What?" He says confused. "That- that was amazing!!!" I shout. "Thanks." He puffs sitting down. "Ok thank you everyone now I'm going I'm going to put you in pairs of 2 and you'll have 15 minutes to come up with a routine." Harley explains. She puts us in 2s and of course I'm with gene. Which is an advantage considering the way he dances. "Ok let's do this." I mumble. "Yeah" he replies. Harley chose our song.

~15 Minutes Later~

"You ready?" Gene asks. "As I'll ever be." I respond. "Oh and gene when we do perform I suggest watching where you put your hands, if there even an inch closer than they're suppose to be I'll chop your dick off." I threaten. He gulps. "Understood." He replies. "(Y/n) and gene you go first." Harley smirks. "Figured" I say. Me and gene get into our positions. (1 last video btw I don't know whether to call it acrobatic dance or ballet let me know)

Once we finish me and gene take a few steps away from each other. Everyone was in awe. "You 2 came up with that? By yourselves?!" She exclaims. We nod. "That was amazing!" She cheers. Everyone claps and we continue with the performances. Once finished everyone gets changed and ready to go home. "Gene (Y/n) may I speak with you?" Harley says. I freeze. We both walk over. "Yes?" Gene says. "Well I want to enter you both into the dance competition this year..." she starts off. "What category?" Gene asks. "That's the problem. I want you 2 to perform for both." She mumbles. "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up, really?!" I question. "Yeah." She mutters. "I'm cool with it! Gene?" I ask turning to him. He thinks for a moment. "Sure." He says. "Great stay later next time!" She cheers. I go get changed.

Gene P.O.V

I finished changing and walked outside. How embarrassing now (Y/n), the new girl, knows I'm a dancer. I mean I love dancing and all but, what would this do to my reputation if people found out. Heck even Sasha and zenix don't know. "Oh hey gene, you walking home?" A voice said. I turn around to see none other than (Y/n) herself. "Oh hey um yeah I am, you?" I ask. "Yeah you wanna walk together?" She asks again. "Sure." I respond. We start walking. "Listen gene, it's not like I don't trust you but I don't trust you completely so I'm asking you to please not tell anyone I'm a dancer!" She begs. "Why?" I ask. "Don't get me wrong I love dancing but...I'm this bad girl type character and if people found out I dance, that would ruin everything and I'd lose all respect from others." She whispers. "And besides who other than me knows you dance?" She smirks. "Yeah yeah I get it." I grumble. All of a sudden someone from behind sneaks up on us. "Well if it isn't the little ballerinas. Oh you also do hip hop my bad!" The voice said. I know that annoying high pitch voice. "Ivy?!" I yell. "Present!" She sings. "Who?"  (Y/n) questions puzzled. "The so called 'popular girls' " I explain. She does a little ooohhhh head nod. "What do you want?" I ask. "I want you 2 to do something for me." She giggles. "Why should we?!" (Y/n) yells. "Be careful missy you wouldn't want this video sent out to the whole school now would you?" She laughs evilly. "What video?" I ask. She stares at me then shows it to me. It's from a couple minutes ago. Our duet! "What do you want us to do?" (Y/n) says. "I want you to get Garroth to go on a date with me!" She smirks. "Fine." (Y/n) replies. "You've got 2 weeks!" Ivy shouts before running away. "What are we going to do?!" I whisper. "We're going to listen to Ivy. I'm not letting that video out." (Y/n) growls. There was a little cold drop of water on my nose. Then my arm. And on. "Great now it's raining!" I growl. We run to the nearest open store which was a Casual diner. Me and gene sit down. "Can I help you?" The waitress said. "Yeah um I'll just get a coffee black." Gene says. "Same." I mumble. "Right away!" The waitress cheered. "I'll call my mom and ask if she can pick us up. I'll give you a ride to your house." She mutters while dialing a number on her phone. She talked with her mother I guess on the phone for about 5 minutes. Then we get our coffee. (Y/n) hangs up and sips it. "She'll be here in 10." (Y/n) murmurs. "Ok thanks" I say sipping my coffee yet again. We talk for a bit until we see a black truck come up. "That's her! Let's go." She cheers grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the cafe. "Hello" I say to her mother. "Hi you must be gene." Her mother cheers. She sounds a lot like aphmau. "So how was dance?" Her Mom asks. "Good." We say in unison. She giggles. "You 2 are so cute together!" She cheers. We both start freaking out.
Would we be cute together?

Hey guys I made another chapter cause I felt guilty for not posting when I was suppose to so hope you enjoy and STAY FABULOUS~💜

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