Our Plan

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(Y/n) P.O.V

My mom starts driving us home. Then I think how are we going to plan this whole Ivy thing out if the only time we're 'alone' is at dance. I text gene so my mom doesn't know.
Y-you G-gene
Y- how are we going to plan this Ivy situation out?
G-I didn't really think about that...
Y-well think fast!
G-um ok. I got 1 idea.
Y-what is it-

"Hey is it ok if I stay over a little bit. My mom can't pick me up and I forgot my keys. Plus I have some homework that needs to be done." Gene asks. "Well sure you can!" Mom smiles. I give gene an 'are you crazy' look. He just shrugs. "And since your soaking wet. You can borrow some of my sons clothes till yours are dry!" Mom cheers pulling into our driveway. As soon as we get there. I show gene my brothers closet then leave so he can change. "Don't come into my room until I say so. I'm changing, and me and you have to have a little 'chat' mister." I growl glaring at gene. He slowly nods. I go to my room and change quickly.

Now this may be too I don't know revealing but this is basically what I wear to dance so

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Now this may be too I don't know revealing but this is basically what I wear to dance so. I'm sure gene will be fine. He's a big boy. "Ok gene you can come in whenever." I mumble. He walks in.

He doesn't see me at first

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He doesn't see me at first. "Nice room-" "thanks." I interrupt throwing my bag into the closet. "So..." I say. No response. I look at gene and he's staring. "Hey! My eyes are up here!" I shout. He comes back from lala land. "S-sorry!" He stutters. "Well don't be staring!" I grumble. "Don't be staring! Put a shirt on or something! I'm a guy! I can't help it!" He argues. "Speaking of which mister, you were getting a little too touchy during our ballet duet." I growl. He gulps. "Yeah don't think I didn't notice." I growl again. "Look I'm sorry ok!" He shouts. "You better be sorry! If I ever catch you doing that during a dance again, the police won't be able to find your body! Kapeesh?!" I yell grabbing his shirt. He nods slowly. "Good." I say letting go. "So what should we do with this Ivy thing?" I mutter sitting on my bed. "No clue. Maybe we could just get Ivy to ask Garroth out." He suggests. "Nah that won't work. Ivy blackmailed us to help her cause she can't do it alone..." I say trying to think. "Well I have one idea but I don't think you'll like it.." gene mumbles. "I'll take anything at the moment." I grumble looking at him. "Well what if we get Ivy to ask Garroth out on a double date, because her 'friend' is going out on a date with her boyfriend and wants her to tag along but she doesn't wanna third wheel it." He suggests. "Who's her friend?" I question. "You." Gene says. "Who's my so called boyfriend? Last time I checked I was single." I growl. "I thought that was obvious." He mutters. "Wait wait wait...don't tell me...it's you?!" I shout. He just gives me an 'this is the only thing I got' look. "Uhhh well I don't know gene, that's a little risky. Wouldn't we have to start acting like we were dating until the 2 weeks is up?" I ask nervously. He just nods. "So technically we would be dating but not." He mumbles. "Hold on. How far would we have to take this?" I question. He shrugs. "I don't know hugging? Holding hands? Probably only that." He says. "Yeah but I don't know if that would be believable..." I murmur. "Well there's always kissing the cheek and stuff, but if someone asks us to prove it we might have to..." he stops. "Kiss." I finish. His face turns a light shade of pink. And my face does the same. "I don't know I've never actually..." I whisper. "You've never kissed anyone before?!" Gene exclaims surprised. "Well no I haven't! I've always been a jerk around people cause they think I'm just you know mean and dark and emotionless." I whisper again. "Oh." He says sitting beside me on the bed. "Have you?" I ask looking at gene. "Well once. But that was a long time ago." He mumbles. I smile. "Well it's the only plan we got so..." I say chuckling. "Guess we're going with it?" Gene questions. I nod. "But what if we do have to kiss? What then? We're both not prepared." I mumble. Genes face turns a bright red. "Well I have a really stupid idea, but there's always practice." Gene mumbles. Once he says that my face starts to heat up. "P-practice? Kissing? Here?" I stutter. He nods. "It's really the only way huh." I whisper nervously. "It won't mean anything though right?" Gene questions. "Right, it's just my first kiss is gonna be fake." I mumble. "We don't have to it was just a suggestion!" Gene says. "No it's ok, I'll live with it." I mumble. We sit there in silence for a minute then look at each other. Gene slowly starts to lean in so do I. Until we're only inches apart. I look at him. And then he closes the gap. We kiss.

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