chapter four

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"What the hell is this?" Steve asked impatiently. He'd found more photos which appeared taken by Jonathan, this time they were of Nancy at the park. In most of them she was smiling, looking happier than she did when she hung out with Steve.

"I hung out with Jon earlier... I don't get why you're so worried," Nancy said, tugging at her sleeve.

"Jon? Jonathan?" Steve let out a heavy sigh. Eye rolling, his gaze traveling to Nancy's sleeve.

"Yes Jonathan, now can we move on?"

Steve avoided eye-contact by glancing at the posters on the school's walls. "Fine," he said with a harsh tone, "it's time for class anyways."

--- [i hope that tiny but with stancy was interesting to y'all]
The boom of a D&D game piece colliding with the table echoed throughout the room.

"Shit, not again." Lucas yelled as all the boys let out huge sighs.

"How come the demogorgon keeps coming back to me... It's not like I haven't cast fireball enough times," Will said, slyly grinning.

"It just can't get enough of you man. Those fireballs just make you hotter," Mike said giggling, the other boys joined the laughter. He wiped his forehead, usually Dungeons and Dragons causes him more stress than other activities. Hell, even PE doesn't make his forehead sweat this much.

"Mike, time for dinner," Mrs.Wheeler called down the basement stairs, seeming a little on edge.

The disappointment showed in their faces, it had only felt like an hour since they resumed playing.

"Damnit. I guess we've gotta put this game on hold," Dustin said, his mouth turning into a lopsided grin.

They stood up and walked up the stairs, heading to the garage.

"Yeah, you guys should head out. Come back tomorrow after school?" Mike questioned, his eyes widening.

"Dude there's no school tomorrow. Remember? It's Christmas Eve!" Lucas said smirking.

Mike had completely lost track of the days, his mind still focused on whether El was still alive. "Holy crap I forgot... Welp, come over at 3:15?" His face quickly turned beet red, his freckles blending in with his newly warmed cheeks.

"Of course," the other boys said almost in unison. With that they left for their own homes, excited for the upcoming days.
i've gotta have a plot twist or cliff hanger in the next chapter or something interesting so y'all stay interested :") i'm writing this 4 hours before i need to wake up for school so i hope my writing isn't too bad oops

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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