CHANBAEK: Last Drop of My Love

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Title: Last Drop of My Love

Label: Romance

Words: 9K


"But Chanyeol knew the real him already. And he doubt it if he still likes him the way he do when he still don't know the truth."


"Young master."

An old man called the young man who's standing in front of the window, practically staring at the full moon for who-knows-how-long. The young man tilted his head, a signal for the old man to pad on his feet towards the good-looking guy, handing him a glass full of florid liquid inside.

The young man stretched his hand out and accepted the glass, his eyes never leaving the delicious substance, silently watching how the red particles of it move in a circular motion even without being shaken or stirred.

The old man bowed for respect before leaving the suspicious room, silently closing the door behind him.

Knowing that he's already alone, the young guy stared on the glass for quite some time before sighing,

"I'm tired of this." He uttered to himself. He can feel his stomach grumble and his mouth watering because of the food in front of him., yet he don't want to lay his finger or even take a lick on it because he knows that when he does that, he won't be able to stop himself already.

Getting his eyes back to the moon that was screaming his true identity, that he's not human, his true kind, the truth, made him feel sick.

He just wanted to end this night already but he know he would never get a restful sleep if he won't drink the blood that was contained by the glass beside him.

With trembling hands, he reached out for the glass again, sniffing for its fresh and meaty scent making him flutter his eyes close for a little while.

When he decided to take a sip on it, he felt something going on with his teeth, making it longer and sharper than usual. His stomach coil and he felt himself as if he's floating on clouds of white, the taste of the blood was spreading on his taste buds, down to his throat and stomach. He felt like he was burning from the inside, and he knows he wanted more—more of it.

Leaving the glass empty, he gulped the last drop of the liquid before wiping off some of the blood from his face. And when he flutter his eyes open,

He saw two burning blue orbs staring back at him.


Seeing the guy he already adores since freshmen, walking in the corridors like he owns the place with two books clutched on his hand and wearing his daily uniform—their uniform made the butterflies in Chanyeol's stomach flew out from him towards the said guy.

"I'm in love." He muttered to himself dumbly, watching every bit of his crush's moves as he walk towards the college building. He noted on how black, fluffy hair bounces every time he took his steps forward, how his eye liner fits him—making him look hotter and more appealing than yesterday. His pinkish lips that was forming into a cute frown or smile when his best friend—Oh Sehun, approached him in front of the building—

"Oh my god," Jongin snorts, looking at his best friend who's drooling over the cute guy who entered the building already. He snapped his fingers in front of Chanyeol's face, "Don't be so dumb. He already left three minutes ago."

"I can still see the flowers he left when he walk into that building." Chanyeol says, making Jongin look to the ground but found none. Jongin slapped his face,

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