II: Solnishko

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sorry for the wait, i couldn't get the beginning right. anyway, here you go.
words : 1011
trigger warning : abuse, drinking

After a long trek through the snowy forest in Sokovia, I finally reached the HYDRA base. As I walked into the north tower, I overheard the Iron Man suit shooting, probably at some HYDRA officers.

"Good talk." Tony spoke, most likely to the unconscious bodies littering the floor of the room I was entering.

"No it wasn't."  I laughed as I walked into the room, stepping over the unconsious bodies of the men Tony had previously taken out. We walked around the halls of the HYDRA base in a comfortable silence for a while, before Tony found the room List was hiding in. He quickly took him out, and stepped out of the suit.

"Sentry mode." He told his metal other half as he walked over to the computers. "Okay JARVIS. You know I want it all."

"Make sure you copy Hill at HQ." I said as I put on the backup comm Tony had. "How's everyone doing?" I asked when I had it on properly.

"We're locked down out here." Natasha's voice rang through my ears from the device in my ear.

"Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby." Rogers commanded.

"Ke 'ike aku awu I kau nani E ho 'opulu 'ia nei E ke kilihune ua..." I sang softly into the comms. I giggled quietly as Tony and I looked intently onto the computer screen.

"I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick." Tony caled out to Jarvis as we stood up straight, his arms folded over his chest, focusing on what Jarvis was about to tell us.

"The wall to your left, I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current."  Jarvis' voice rang throughout the room. Is that what you would call it? I mean, he doesn't have vocal chords, so it couldn't be a voice, right? My thoughts were interruoted when Tony nudged my side, motioning for me to go check the wall.

"Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door." I hoped under my breath was I crossed the room to the place Jarvis was talking about. I ran my hands along the rough walls, taking a deep breath. I pushed hard, but nothing happened. I took a step back, and pushed oxygen on the door, and, to my suprise, the wall opened.

"Yay!" Tony and I exclaimed, nearly at the same time. We walked down the corridor and down a small flight of stairs which opened up to a huge room. In it was a leviathon chitauri, suspended in the air by wires and supported under it's belly by metal riggings. Just the mere sight of it above us was enough to send a shiver down my spine in fear. These things could kill millions of people in a meager second, and not even I could stop it.

"Guys, I got Strucker." Steve proudly announces through the comms.

"Yeah, I got... something bigger." Tony breathes in shock, taking in our surroundings. The whole room was a complete mess, like people had been rushing to leave. Tools were left haphazardly on tables, as well as some of the scrapped Iron Man suits. I turned around in awe, and immediately noticed a faint blue light; Loki's scepter.

"Thor, we got it." I said in relief as I realized that this mission was almost over. Tony scoffed from behind me, and when I turned around to glare at him, all I could see was black. The chitauri was gone and so was all of the other things in the room. I stepped forward into a defensive stance, and readied myslef for the fight I knew was about to come.

My whole body tensed when I heard heavy boots stomping down creaky wooden stairs. Images I had tried to forget and leave behind began to flood my head; a mother laying dead on the pavement, a father's eyes glaring at me with such a hatred I was afraid to be alive, and his bloodshot eyes as he beat me.

"Come here, you little bitch." he spat as a light flooded the room I was in, a basement; my old room. I quickly scurried away to hide, but he was too fast and gripped my arm harshly with the hand that wasn't holding an empty Jack Daniel's bottle. He kicked me to the floor, where I could get a better look at this man that was just like my father. In his eyes, I saw the same hatred my father had given me for so many years, glazed over with a red that proved he had been the one to drink the bottle he was holding.

"You don't deserve to be alive," He yelled as he came closer to my small body, "You are the reason she's dead! It should have been you, you should have died that day." He said as he broke the bottle on the floor beside my head. Tears were beginning to fall from my eyes as I recalled all of the times he had beaten me, all of the times I had to clean my broken body from the wounds he had inflicted.

"You're not real, you're not real. This has already happened. You're dead, You died, I watched you die." I repeated as he brought the broken bottle closer to my neck.

"You're gonna wish I was dead." He countered. His arm was coming closer to my neck, and I thought he wouold surely end my life. Before I could flip my body over, cutting the skin on my hip, I was shaken out of my trance. I was back in the HYDRA base with Tony, who was staring off into space as I assumed I was doing previously.

"It's going to be okay, solnishko." His russian accent shot through my ears before I could even think about who had pulled me out of my trance. In reflex, I spun around and tried to punch him, but he was gone within an instant, the brunette girl standing beside him gone as well.

Tony, just now waking from his trance blinked quickly and looked around. His eyes landed on me, and he let out a sigh of relief brfore looking to the scepter and grabs the object of our desires.

"C'mon, Ast. Let's get back to the ship."


Ke 'ike aku awu I kau nani E ho 'opulu 'ia nei Eke kilihune ua : I see your beauty freshened by the light rain.
Pert of a greek lullaby, "nani nani," by Alice Namakelua

Solnishko : sun/ sunshine
Russian term of endearment

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