III: Sleep

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      When the team finally reached the aircraft, Astra plopped down onto a bench out of the way to take a badly needed nap, however sleep did not grace her for long. Between Thor's loud manner and her nightmares, she was dragged out of what was otherwise a peaceful slumber multiple times. Three hours into their flight, Astra decided it best that she at least tried to stay awake and contribute to the conversation her team was having at the moment.

      "It's not you I don't trust." Banner said as Astra sat up from the bench beside where he and the Black Widow were talking.

    "Thor, report on the Hulk?" Natasha called out to the Norse god leaning against the frame of the door behind her.

    "The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims." He proudly stated. Astra giggled at him before she saw the malicious glare Natasha was sending bothe her and the blonde man beside her.

    "Uh, but, not the screams of the dead of course." He stuttered, looking at the brunette beside him for help.

      "No, no, uh... wounded screams, mainly whimpering and a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltiods and, and uh... and gout." Astra meekly chimed in following a small fit of gigges at the doctor's reaction to thor's statement. She had always loved making fun of Bruce Banner, but when he was around Natasha, his not-so-secret crush, his reactions were always so much better.

    "Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asked Bruce. Dr. Cho, a genius woman who Astra was proud to call friend, was being flown to the tower all the way from Seoul in order to help Clint with his wounds.

    "Uh, yeah, she knows her way around." He muttered loud enough so that just the people around him could hear. Astra, noticing the sexual innuendos that could be made in this exact situation, withheld her playful statements; she knew the gravity of the situation they were in. Clint Barton, one of her best friends, was badly injured, and it was all her fault.

      If she had dealt with the silver haired man quicker she would have been at Tony's side earlier, subsequently making their mission end earlier, preventing Clint from getting shot. It was far fetched, she knew that, but that was the only solution that she had come up with that ended with the man so skilled with the bow not getting injured so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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