True You I Confess

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Platinum POV

I wrote a song for my girl. I don't want her to leave me. She has not been intimate with me for a month now. So I sat down and wrote her this long letter that actually turned into a great song. I know she loves all my songs new and the hits, but will she love this one too. I let her know I much she means to me. I

just got a divorce from my first wife. Then my second wife she and I were just real good friends. I met my new love and now I got to win her all over gain. I am cooking dinner for us tonight. She loves Blue Gill and Crab Salad and I do too. Homemade rolls and Fresh Kale. For desert my mom's bread pudding

recipe. I wrote the song and I am presenting it to her tonight over dinner and sparkling sherry. I am a little nervous. She is going to be nervous too. We have not been intimate in about a month. I want to take her

in my arms and make every back better. W are having a bit of trouble and it's because my two ex-wives keep calling and playing on the phone and telling lies that I have been back sleeping with them. All lies I

know I was sad over losing my first wife and stressed over losing the second. I know I tried to get the first one back but after 3 years I was tired of trying. The second one she walked away from her kids for the

money. She loved them but I wanted to find them another mother and I have found them another mother. Now I have to try and hold on to her.  One other ex- wanted me to be best man at her wedding I left the country I could not do anything like that at all. I have been with my new girl for 3 years now. She loves my new songs. This is the one last chance to get her to love me like she did when we first met. I wrote all the words for her. I know she will be able to feel what we feel for each other again, if not she will be the last woman on earth for me. We will see how dinner goes. I pray she comes. She might not come. When I try to call The number had been changed. But she knows about our dinner date tonight, I ask her a month ago last time we were intimate. I knew something was not quite right. Dinner smells good right now

Cheyanne POV

You can call me 'Cry Baby' because tonight I am leaving him for good. He invited me to dinner but I know he still wants that first wife back. She keeps calling his place to get me mad. Just like she did his second wife and she left because of that too. I am not going to sit around while his first wife darts in and out of his life. I got plenty of men wanting to go out with me. I love hoe he romances me and he is a hopeless romantic. That first wife I want to drag her little snotty nose. She messed up the best relationship he has had after two fail marriages. I have been hurting for three long dark years. I have on his favorite clothes he loves to see me in and he is going to go crazy when he see me in them This will be hard for me to say good-bye to him. He should have put that little snotty nose girl in her damn place. I would be asleep and the phone woke us up at all times of the night. Hopeless romantic but she can call and you jump but it will be good-bye unless he convinces me otherwise

PlatinumMJ3 POV

Why do I get the feeling after we make love tonight. She will never leave me. I know she will love my new song I wrote for her. Our dinner will be remarkable and I can not wait till she arrives. After dinner I will take her in my studio and  let her watch me record the other new song called True You I wrote that one too.


I have always thought of you No matter how my feelings were so blue no matter what you thought you knew I knew your feelings were true you

So can we start a new

So can you stop and try

or will you go on and tell me good-bye

Shall all that we had be

All but thrown away

And the tears that you cry

Can I help them go away

I have always thought of you

No matter how my feelings were so blue

no matter what you thought you knew

I knew your feelings were true you

So can you try and be with me be a mother to my kids all three

Can you make a brand new start and never leave a lonely man and break his heart

Show me the true you

what a great love come into my life to do

Can I wish upon the brightest star

and tell you how fine you are


I lone for the days of you do what you use to

This is a song from my lonely heart begging you for a brand new start

If it is meant to be please be my one and only lady

Cheyanne POV

I just hate myself for knowing  he might have true feelings for me

So why want I give into to him and give him a second chance or is this his third chance.Why am I willing to let him go. Knowing he is so lonesome and he will need somebody to lean on.

I am sitting here hating myself I know he will finally get over me. His songs will help him. I don't want the glare of cameras flashing in my face. I don't like hiding from others just because he is

famous. I don't care about fame. I want a normal life. I wish he knew what is really in my heart. I will be

the most hated woman in the whole wide world. For breaking the heart of the most famous man that ever lived unless he shows me otherwise.

Platinum POV

She is running a little late. I am starting to get a little nervous. Maybe she changed her mind about coming after all

I wrote these lovely songs for her. I do love her. Why did my ex-wives meddle in my life. My children were getting ready to have the new mom I promised them for Christmas

What will I do when they get back and not see us hugging and kissing and acting like two love staved old school sweethearts

I did not want to be like my Father. He hurt my mom so bad. I did not want to be like my brothers. They got babies everywhere.

I just ask God for a pretty girl to call my own but she is not here to comfort me. I think she will never hear these two great songs they both have gone Platinumx26 already

I will wait a few more minutes and then I will know I will have to sing these two songs in concert and the tears will flow when I tell my fans I wrote them for my girl.

Cheyanne POV

It is getting late and I still mad about his two ex-wives calling him all late at night making me jealous' It was hard to hear him listen to how their new boyfriends were running around on them and they wished they had him back.

 He fail for that mess knowing all the time I was lying awake listening. I got up after the last time we made love and I skipped his breakfast and got out of his house too damn fast. I heard his other songs playing on the radio like that new one called Days of Gloucestershire and MJONE and It's All In The Name.

I turned all that off because now I have to worry about who he was thinking about in Gloucestershire and where in God's creation is that place. He has prove to me that I need to keep a spare when going out

with him. Maybe he needs to be taught a good lesson. I just want to avoid seeing him but I love him so damn much my stomach hurts. How can I do this to such a kind man like who loves me back

I need to call him

Platinum "Hello Cheyanne why aren't you here?"

Cheyanne "I heard that song Days of Gloucestershire, who you wish would do the things she used to do?"

Platinum "You, I wish you would be the driver while we take long drives down the sunny roads in Gloucestershire. I wish we could see God kiss the kids gain in Gloucestershire. I wish we could do it all again in Gloucestershire"

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