One Direction Fanfic - Save You Tonight Chapter Seven

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"Jasmine" I heard Grace calling, "I'm in here" I said from the backroom, "You worried me, oh Liam hey. What happened to you" she said as she saw Liam holding the icepack on my cheek, "D.." Liam began but i interupted him "I'm clumsy remember" i said to her, Liam looked at me confused but didn't say anything, "Well erm i will leave you two" Liam said and he handed me the icepack, after gently taking it off my cheek and his thumb gently running along my cheek at the same time, he smiled down at me when he stood up and i smiled back. "Thank you" i said as he walked out the door he smiled back at me "It's okay". "Tell, what happened between you and Liam" Grace said excitedly as she sat down next to me "What nothing happens what makes you think that?" I asked her hoping she would drop the subject but she didn't. "The way you look at each other you can tell i can just mention his name and Liam" she said and i smiled, "See i say his name and you smile", "No i don't were just friends" i said to her, "I saw the way he gently removed the icepack, stroking your cheek" she acted it out as she said it being really dramatic. "Oh shut up" I said and i hit her arm and we both laughed. The boys walked out the room "All Done" Louis exclaimed, "I'm hungry" Niall moaned as he walked out the door, "Lets go eat then" Zayn said, "And would you lovely ladies join us" Harry said winking. "Harry stop flirting" Liam said, "ooooooooooh" the louis and harry chorused, "do you wanna join us then" Liam asked me and grace. "Only if its nandos" Grace said, "AGREED" Niall shouted grabbed grace and ran out the store. The rest of the boys walked out the store "Come on Jas" Liam said holding out his hand the boys were ahead a bit and before we left the store, Liam kissed me again, "HURRY UP NANDOS IS WAITING" Niall yelled and we walked out. We were behind everyone else who were infront. Niall and Grace were skipping along infront, Louis, Zayn and Harry were walking together and then me and Liam. We were talking and laughing together and we were holding hands, our fingers interwined with each other. We finally arrived at Nandos and were given a table. On one side it was Niall, Grace, Harry and Louis. On the otherside it was Me, Liam, Zayn. We decided what we wanted to eat and me and Grace ordered so the boys wouldn't get noticed. Grace kept questioning me about Liam on the way aswell. While waiting for the food we all laughed and talked to each other, Liam and i were holding hands under the table but no-one noticed, which is good i suppose otherwise they probably would have started to tease us. When the food had arrived me and Liam reluctantly let go of each others hand and we all began to eat. I went up to refill my drink and i felt someone walk behind me, Liam had got up to. He stood just behind and to the side of me he put his arm on my back "Fancy seeing you here" he said to me and i giggled. "Did you follow me up or do you need to fill up your drink" I asked him still giggling a bit, "I need to fill up my drink *he quickly drank the rest of his drink* now" i laughed at him and he accidently let out a burp, i playfully slapped his arm "That's rude" i said laughing at him, "Sorry mum" he joked, "You should know better daddy directioner" i joked and went back to the seat. "You two looked cosy" Grace said to me over the table and harry wiggled his eyebrows up and down "Shut up guys" i said. Liam came back and Harry wiggled his eyebrows at him, "Hellooooo Liam" harry said to him, Liam looked confused "erm whats going on" he asked sounded confused. "You two looked cosy" Grace repeated, "Guys" i said. After we finished eating we paid and left the restaurant, it was only 2pm, "Shall we watch a movie" Grace said, she wanted to see '21 jump street' the new movie, so did i actually, "Yeah sure what shall we watch" Louis said. "21 Jump Street" Grace said immediately. "Let's go then" Zayn said as we all headed into the cinema. I went to pay for mine but Liam wouldn't let me "I'm getting your ticket" he said to me. "No Liam i won't let you" i said "too late" he ran to the checkout and got 2 tickets. I gently hit his arm again "I will pay you back" I said, "You can pay me back later with a kiss" he said smiling at me "deal" i said.

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