One Direction Fanfic - Save You Tonight Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:

Jasmine's Pov:

Louis left the room to go back to the photoshoot and Lux had fallen asleep so i just looked through twitter and my mentions, i read a few of them,

'Aww Liam and Jasmine are so cute!! :)'

A few of my mentions were like this but not all of them unfortunately,

'Jasmine is a bitch, she's just using Liam for his fame! Go die and leave Liam alone!'

I hated rerading stuff like this but i couldn't stop myself reading them,

'Leave Liam alone you bitch he's mine

'I hope liam comes to his senses soon and dumps you for someone way better, like me'

There were more tweets like these which really hurt reading, they didn't know me but they hated me, i had a few nice ones mixed in aswell and i replied to some nice ones and followed a few and decided to send a tweet, i decided on,

@JasJas54: Thanks for the nice tweets, they are really nice to read! I will try follow a few of you! :) x

Withing minutes there were over 50 retweets and replies and even more mentions, some nice and some not nice. 

Liam's Pov:

I haven't seen Jamine for a while but i didn't realise as i was spending so much time with Danielle, it was nice seeing her again and chatting with her, but my feelings for her seemed to keep getting stronger. I felt horrible though i was dating Jasmine and i loved her i did, but my feelings for Danielle were coming back and i didn't know if i could fight them and keep them down. Louis had gone to talk to her and when he came back he looked at me and Danielle, she was laughing at something i had said to her and Louis gave me a forced smile as i smiled at him. 

"I'm sorry Danielle, i really need to go see someone" I told, her

She smiled at me and nodded, "course, by the way here's my new number it was nice to see you again maybe we can hang out sometime" she said to me.

"yeah that would be nice" i said as we exchaged our numbers. 

I said bye and headed over to Paul and Lou, "Hey where is Jasmine?" I asked them

"she's in the back room with Lux" Paul told me,

I smiled and thanked him before heading to the room. When i got there i slowly opened the door and saw Jasmine sitting on the sofa, Lux in her arms. she was on her phone, i went sat next to her and saw she was on twitter. She quickly left twitter and had a sad expression in her eyes. "Are you getting hate already?" I asked her.

She smiled weakly at me and nodded.

I put my arms around her and hugged her clodse to my body, comforting her. "Don't believe any of it okay" I told her. She looked up at me and stood up. She put Lux in her basket (carry holdel thing, i don't know what they are called) and then walked back over to me but didn't sit down. 

"you still like Danielle don't you" she said to me looking sadly at me.

Do i? Do i still have feelings for her?

Jasmine's Pov:

He stay sat down thinking, that proved it, that proved to me he still had at least some feelings for Danielle. He stood up standing infront of me and held my hands. "I love you Jasmine" He said to me.

"I know and i also know that you still love Danielle i can tell" I told him.

He looked me in my eyes, "I don't know, it's just a shock seeing her again i suppose" He spoke honestly to me.

"I understand you and Danielle, you were so close and now she is back your feelings are also back" i said to him.

"I love you though Jasmine" he said to me.

"I know you do Liam, i love you too, but i can't bear to be the person who comes between you and Danielle i can tell you still have feelings for her and she has for you." I told him.

He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again not knowing what to say. I smiled weakly at him and kissed his cheek. "be happy with danielle" i said to him smiling even though inside it was breaking my heart. I could feel tears threatening to escape and i headed to the door with Lux, Liam holding onto my head gently as long as he could. He was just standing there as i headed back. I handed Lux to Lou and she thanked me everyone was packing up stuff now. 

"Did Liam see you" Paul asked i nodded and smiled at him, hiding the hurt i was feeling inside. I glanced around the room Louis and Eleanor were sat talking and laughing, the rest of the girls were all with each other and the boys were messing around as usual. Liam walked in, i smiled at him but he totally ignored me and went straight to Danielle took her hand and brought her closer to himself. He looked me in my eyes and then kissed her right there. Everyone was looking shocked between Liam and Danielle, and Me. I smiled at them and headed out the door to the back exit.

Liam's Pov:

She just broke up with me, told me to be with Danielle, she just left me standing there in that room, but i loved her didn't I, but was she right do i love Danielle aswell. I walked out the room and back to everyone else, Jasmine smiled at me as i entered but i just ignored her. I was pissed and annoyed at the moment and didn't want to be near her she told me to be with Danielle so that's what i will do. I walked straight past Jasmine and over to Danielle took her hand spinning her bringing her closer to my body and there and then kissed her. She kissed back but it didn't feel totally right. I saw people giving confused faces looking at me and Danielle and then over to Jasmine, I saw her weakly smiling at them and then she walked out. I really didn't care at the moment.

Louis Pov:

Liam had gone to see Jasmine, which is good she needs reassuring its her he wants not Danielle, i just hope he doesn't mess anything up, Jasmine is like my little sister and i can't bear seeing her hurt. I was talking to Eleanor and getting on so well, we were gonna meet up sometime to hang out together. Me and Eleanor both saw Jasmine walk in with Lux, she put on a smile but i could tell she was upset, i think El could aswell as she smiled sympathetically at her. Moments later Liam walked in totally ignoring Jasmine who had smiled at him, it was forced but she didn't want to seem rude, she is a lovely girl and so nice. Liam walked straight over to Danielle pulling her into him and kissing her, everyone was shocked Jasmine looked hurt but smiled at everyone. She then walked out the door. Me and El looked at each other then to Liam and Danielle who were still kissing. We both got up and went out to the door Jasmine just walked out of.  Before we left i saw Liam watching us i gave him a dirty look and headed out with El to find Jasmine. I saw the back entrance open, and walked over with El. We saw Jasmine sitting on the floor against the wall her face buried into her knees crying. Me and El went over to her both sitting either side of her and comforting her.

Jasmine's Pov:

I walked straight out the back exit and slid down the wall burying my face in my knees letting the tears that were desperate to escape, escape. I then felt 2 people sit either side of me. I looked up and saw Louis and El. They both began to comfort me.


Loads of drama in this!!! I have sad news this is nearly the end of Save You Tonight, only a couple more chapters!!!


I am gonna make a sequel, so keep an eye out for that when this is done. :)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote comment fan, thanks,

Love you all

Becky xx :)

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