March 2nd, 2026

16 1 1

     I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door, I bolt up and straighten my clothes and open the door a crack.
     "Hello?" I'm facing Magician Woode from the council. I open the door all the way in surprise and give a quick bow.
     "Apprentice Luna?" he asks.
     "I am she," I respond.
     "High Magician Morgan will now see you," he states looking questionably at my ruffled clothing.
     "Of course allow me to change into more appropriate clothing," I say shuting my door. I rush to my closet and grab my uniform of a white t-shirt and tan pants and change. I pull my hair into a neat french braid and grab my staff as I open the door. I put on a white hooded cloak and nod to Magician Woode.
     "Excellent, follow me Apprentice," he orders turning and walking down the hallway, his purple cloak snapping behind him. The ranking system was relatively simple: white uniform meant you were a novice apprentice, still learning the basics. Red was the lowest ranking magician, and black was the highest, and there was only one high magician. But the colors followed the rainbow. Tomorrow my 3 year apprenticeship was over and I would be given my new, red uniform. Magician Woode led me back to the meeting room where High Magician Morgan was sitting at the head of the table.
     "Sit down Apprentice," she orders. I sit down at the other end of the table,"According to our records your 3 year apprenticeship is over tomorrow, and  there is something I would like to know," Morgan asked.
     "And that is?" I ask.
     "How loyal are you to the Order?" Morgan asks.
     "I would give my life for the Order, why do u ask?" I reply.
     "I think its time you know about your origins," Morgan says.
     "What about it?" I ask trying to hide the eagerness in my voice.
     "You how you woke up on our spell table with no memories?" Morgan asked. I thought back to that night almost 4 years ago, waking up nude and cold on a stone table with no memories at all, I didnt even know my own name.
     "Yes I remember," I replied.
     "We told you your family had died and we erased your memories to keep you from falling into despair?" Morgan asked.
     "Yes that's what I was told when I woke up, why do you ask High Magician?" I reply looking at her strangely.
     "That wasn't exactly the truth," Morgan told me. I leaned forward in my chair.
     "What are you saying?" I inquired with a confused look.
     "I'm saying that you had no family. Before that night, you were dead for almost 700 or 800 years," Morgan told me in a calm voice.
     "What?!?! Are you serious?!?!" I yell standing and knocking my chair over.
     "Apprentice be still!" Morgan yelled. I picked my chair up and sat back down.
     "I want an explanation," I mumbled in a low voice.
     "You were an experiment, as you know magicians like us are becoming rarer and rarer. You were buried in our catacombs under the name Aurora Frost. The Hall of Records listed you as a High Magician, that you died in an ambush from Demon Lord Nefar. The rest of your legion made it out alive but you used the rest of your power and energy to imprison him in the Realm of Shadows," Morgan explained slowly and clearly to me. I sat back and let that information sink in. I imprisoned Nefar, I was a High Magician. I died. I looked at Morgan with a tired look:
     "Why tell me all of this now? Is this related to my ceremony tomorrow or something?" I ask.
     "Me and the Council was reviewing your progress as a magician yesterday shortly before your arrival with Magician Bellator," Morgan said.
     "What of it?"
     "We decided to change your ceremony tomorrow. You won't be going to a red level Magician,"Morgan carried on.
     "Then what will I be?" I ask with a curious look.
     "You will be a Guardian," Morgan stated.
     "But no one has been a Guardian for a long time, no High Magician has lived long enough," I tell her.
     "The Council and I decided to give you your old rank back, and in order to avoid any conflict with who becomes High Magician, and because of technical seniority, you get to be a Guardian."Morgan told me.
     "Thank you, so what is my name?" I inquire.
     "Well, whatever you choose Apprentice, but if you choose to change it must be before your ceremony, where we will name you," Morgan told me. "You are dismissed Apprentice," Morgan ordered.
     "Yes High Magician," I said bowing and leaving. I headed downstairs to the Hall of Records, where I was greeted by Astrid the Recordkeeper. She was an older lady, with bright eyes and white hair.
     "Hello Sanguinem Luna, what can I do for you this fine afternoon,"
     "Hello Astrid, I need any sort of referance material you have on Aurora Frost," I tell her.
     "Hmmm, let me see what I can find, just a moment dear," she said picking up her wand. "I call upon Aurora Frost, last of her name and High Magician of The Order of the Moon!" she yelled flicking her wand. Then books everywhere started flying off the shelves. She started scanning through them,some she layed on her desk, others she sent back to the shelves. After about 5 minutes she handed me about 5 books,"There you go Sanguinem Luna, our best referance materials on Aurora Frost, and good luck at your ceremony,"
     "Thank you Astrid, have a wonderful day,"I bid her. I went back to my room and began to read these books that where about me. Some of these things didnt sound like me at all. Like I had a really bad and violent temper? I'm pretty passive aggressive, not violent. I kept reading these things until I fell asleep.

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