March 1st ,2026 (Part 1)

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     Demons. It just had to be demons. The one thing I haven't yet studied is the thing that decides to attack my school. Recap of that crazy day: sitting in math class bored, falling asleep like usual, when out of no where I bolt up as if I was shocked. My inner magic sensors were pinging off the hook, like a crazy heart monitor. I got up and slung my backpack over my shoulder, walking out the door to look at the hallway.
     " Sanguinem Luna get back in your seat!" the teacher yelled. I ignored her and carefully stepped into the hallway. I stepped outside the door and suddenly the sound of glass,fabric and anything you can imagine breaking and ripping filled the air. I crouched low in the doorway and took my pack off my back. I opened it up and pulled out my fighting staff.( Yes my backpack is magical and can hold a 6 foot fighting staff, more on that later.) After a few seconds the noise ceased and I stood up straight. I stepped into the hallway. I turned to face the top of the staircase, there was a portal with demons of all shapes and sizes standing in front of it, sniffing the air and sizing the school up. I spun my staff and shot some ice at the demons. A few feet in front of me a 4 foot wall of spiked ice appeared. I spun my staff again and froze the portal. Trapping them...the only way out was back through the portal or over the ice.
     I got into my bag and pulled out a bag of stones. I rumaged through it for a moment and found a stone with the symbol for RETURN on it. I held it in my hand for a moment and then threw it over the wall of ice, in the center of the demon horde. A second portal appeared and started sucking the demons into it. They started screaching and yelping, trying to hold onto anything they could. After about 5 minutes they all got returned to where they came from and the second portal turned back into the stone. Carefully climbing over the ice, I retrieved my stone and disabled the first portal. Crushing the power stone in half and pocketing it, I planned on properly disposing of the stone, later of course. I went back over the ice and put the RETURN stone back in its bag. I went back into the classroom to make sure everyone was ok. Everyone was crouched under desks, one girl was even crying.
     " It's ok, their gone for now," I assured them. I walked out the room and inspected every inch of the school to make sure no other portals were opening. The power stone of the portal didnt just appear there by itself. The demons had help from this side of the veil, someone whos alive. They probably already had the school on lockdown, so I went to the office and demanded to see the principle.
The security guard looked up from his magazine and laughed," Put that stick down before you break something and I arrest you for pocessing a weapon on school property,"
I frowned at him and pushed the magazine away from his face. He scowled at me and I blew some of my breath in his face. His head hit the table in 5 seconds flat and he snored. I walked past the desk into the office of our principle,Betty Ashford. She looked up from her desk at me and frowned.
     "Miss Luna, what brings you to my office, and where's my security guard?" she asked.
     "First off your security guard is temporarily napping, second you didnt happen to hear the rukus on the second floor did you?" I ask.
     "Oh I heard, I sent security personel to look into it. Why do you ask?" Ms. Ashford asked.
     "You may want to check your security cameras," I advise. She gave me a very weird look and looked at the security footage on her camera.
     "Wha-what are those things?" she asked in discust and horror.
     "Those 'mam are demons," I explain.
     "Well what were they doing in my school?!?" She said rewatching the footage.
     "No idea, but I'm sure they'll be back, what I did will only set them back for another hour or two at most," I said.
     "Do you know how to stop them?" Ms. Ashford asked.
     "No, but I know some people who can," I said.
     "Well what are you waiting for!?! Get them in here!" Ms. Ashford demanded.
     "It's not that simple, the Order needs probable cause before they dispatch a legion of magicians," I explained slowly.
     "Who do I have to speak to then to get some help here!!!" she shouted.
     "Ms. Ashford, please calm-"
     "ENOUGH!!!!" a voice shouted as smoke filled the room. I immediately stood and knelt:
     "High Magician Bellator," I announce. As the smoke cleared a tall man in sapphire colored robes appeared.
     "I am the man you speak to when demons are concerned, Sanguinem Luna, you may rise," the magician permitted.
     "Thank you sir," I say.
     "Now lets talk about this demon issue," The Magician says.

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