2.Ms. Brave.

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Ryan's POV:

I stared at my unwanted guest and shot her my utmost famous hard glare. However, I enjoyed watching her expressions as she flinched every time, whenever her eyes met my cold ones. It's like she assured herself to be fearless and brave in front of me.

Excellent. I always wanted people to know who I was and with whom they were messing. I felt my lips curving into a known smirk for having such type of effect on someone that I don't even know. They remind me of my power. They just cannot challenge me within a snap or breeze.

Maintaining my dangerous face, I snapped, raising my voice at her, "Again, what do you want and why are you here?"

Instantly, her brows knitted together in fury. The confidence she lacked was back as she fiercely glared at me, "You tell me," she started in her high pitched voice stepping forward, making me highly incensed, "What allows you to ruin my brother's career? You didn't even listen to his side of the story?" She demanded, her eyes showing immense amount of coldness as she gritted her teeth. She turned quite outrageous.

I cocked my brow at her. She is unknown to me and she has the ability to express her displeasure and demanding things. And now when I recall her last statement, I don't really get what makes her so angry. "What are you talking about?" I asked, my tone came out uncertain.

She let out a bitter chuckle only to gain a dirty look from my side. Before I could let out my fury, she meddled, "How many people have you ruined Mr. Ryan Parker, that you don't even remember their names, huh?" She scathingly uttered looking at me coldly.

"Don't beat around the bushes. Just come to the point." I hissed with frustration banging my fists at my table.

She's annoying. I don't understand why am I still talking to her and tolerating her. I could just drag her out of my office, but I guess she dared to talk looking at my eyes challenging me. So, I just want to know what she had to say.

"Evan Wright, your manager at all your construction sites," she responded in a firm voice and my agitation was back all over again hearing about him.

My jaw immediately clenched and I shot her an acrimonious scowl. "He was the reason for my loss and destruction," I gritted, "And I don't tolerate losses in my company's business." This time, I say as if it's nothing.

This infuriated her even more. She was enraged by now. "No. You are not right," she disagrees right away, "He didn't do anything and he was just doing his job. Now, because of you he's in penal complex and I am not able to do anything about it." She accused pointing her finger at me and snapped.

Although I was supposed to be angry on her, I smirked challenging her and she continued the task of glaring at me.

"You know Mr. Ryan Parker, what your problem is?" She paused leaving me startled as I stare at her amused. Taking few steps she passed me a livid stare, "You want things to be your way and to be done your way only," she hissed coldly. "And when the situation is the other way around, you can't Pou yourself up with that. Why's that? Because you are an egotistical person carrying a 'my way or highway' stance and cannot stand someone like my brother objecting your ways and in return you do the most expected thing. Like a rich powerful person you are, you degrade them and their ability and fire them. And guess what? That's not satisfying yet on your part. You accused my brother of something he never did and now he's fighting against a powerful beast like you." She  said it all in one go, he eyes glaring daggers at me. Her tone cold, just like my expression towards her.

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