4.Arrogant Jerk.

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Rhea's POV:

"Shut up, let me sleep," I groaned when my alarm started troubling me by ringing mercilessly.

I woke up to the annoying sound of it.

Why did I set it this early in the morning. I thought inattentively. Still abstracted, I switched it off, not caring to open my eyes and went back to sleep again, rolling to the other side of my bed.

Only a good couple of minutes later, my eyes jerked open abruptly, as I immediately realized about yesterday and the events started flooding in to my mind one by one. I forced myself away from my loving bed and rushed into my bathroom.

My next task was taking a quick shower and getting changed into my work attire which was a black pencil skirt and white dress shirt. I tucked my shirt inside my skirt and tied my hair up into a high pony tail. I applied a little gloss as my lips looked a bit pale since the moment I woke up.

I took my bag with me and stuffed all the necessary things inside, including my phone and rushed out of my mini apartment.

I found myself making quick steps, in fact running towards the bus stop. I can't be late today or else that jerk boss of mine would fire me and will make my life more miserable. I shook the displeasing and disturbing thought away and started making long strides.

A broad smile took over my expressions the moment my eyes landed on a bus which stood there already at the stop. Taking few more log strides, I quickly took a seat getting in. I could have taken my car with me but I don't trust myself when I'm late. Blame my driving skills for that.

I glanced at my wristwatch and realized its still 20 minutes to reach my destination.

And soon, I was standing in front of this huge building where I was going to work from today. I sighed heavily and walked inside.

As I pass the lounge, my gaze landed at the reception area. I witnessed another receptionist today. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips reminiscing about the other day.

Take it easy, Rhea. You had no other choice so it's okay. I mumbled, heartening myself.

I shook those disturbing thoughts away from my head, as I took heavy steps towards the elevator and stepped in.

Before I could press my floor number, when all of a sudden, someone dragged me out of the lift holding my arm tightly.

I gasped at the impulsive action. I viewed upwards only to meet with a pair of angry brown eyes blazing with fire. It was the same arrogant jerk who made my life hell these days.

I winced a little and jerked my hand away from him.

"Are you that imperceptive? That's a private elevator. That means it's used by only me." He bellowed. Before I could react anything he stepped inside, pressing the button and it closed moving upwards.

Arrogant jerk, I mumbled to myself rubbing my arm where he held it tightly a moment back. I hope it doesn't get bruised by tomorrow.

I growled angrily at no one in particular standing there. Lucky for me, as there were no people around me or they would assume me crazy and weird.

He's so egotistical and full of himself. What's the big deal in letting me in for one day. We were gonna work on same floor. Arrogant bastard. I hissed mentally and started waiting for the other elevator.

I stepped inside and soon I was on my way to his floor. I was tapping my feet impatiently as I was already late by 5 minutes and not to forget, because of the same arrogant jerk boss of mine.

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