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Scott stood up and walked over to the bathroom and wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist. Mitch smiled and spits out his toothpaste.

"Whatcha doing?" Mitch asked.

"Just thinkin'"

"Yeah? What are you thinking about?"

"Lots of stuff, some of the things include me doing very naughty things to you." Scott chuckles lowly.

"Ooh, I like the sound of that."

"I do too."

"Do you wanna share some of these ideas?"

"One includes you laying in the back seat of my chevy."


"Yeah." Scott bit his bottom lip seductively.

"Why don't we go for a ride, huh?"

"God yes."

Scott ran up the stairs from the basement and grabbed his keys, Mitch following.

(Hours Later)

Scott turns the key to his front door as he drags Mitch through the front door his mother came around the corner from the kitchen.

"Scott? Send your friend home we need to talk."

"Bye Scotty." Mitch gave Scott a long sweet kiss, then left out the front door.

"Scott, I'm don't want you around that boy. And you ARE going to summer camp this summer."

"But mommmmm." Scott whined.

"Nope, no changing that but maybe after camp you can start inviting some friends over."

"Fine." Scott spat and stomped down the stairs to his room.

"Ugh, why does he have to be gay." His mom murmurs.


[the next week]

"Mitch, please don't do this. You can't. We can still be in a relationship!"

"Scott I don't want to ruin your life, and if we still feel the same way later on in life maybe we could try again. But for now I think we should take a break."

"Okay, but I want you to understand one thing. I love you with all my heart, that is never going to change. So if you want a break I'll be ready when you are." Scott said, tears slowly making their way down his face.

"I'm sorry Scott. I really am." Mitch gives Scott one more kiss, it was sweet and meaningful.

"Goodbye my love." Scott whispers as Mitch walked up the stairs from his basement. When Scott hears the front door click shut he sinks to the ground and sobs uncontrollably.

"Hunny? What's wrong?" His mother asked, walking down stairs in a sickly sweet voice.

"It's all your fault! I love him! You are a monster, you took him away from me! I will never forgive you!"

"Scott! That is no way to talk to your mother! And this was not my doing, it was his idea! I had nothing to do with this!"

"You started it! I hate you!"

"Scott Richard, go to your room! You are grounded."

Scott stomped into his room, locked his door and flung himself into his bed. His pillows still smelled like Mitch, it made him cry even harder. He sulked around for the rest of the year. After New Years his mother made him move on, and by moving on she meant dating Kirstie.

Mitch never moved on, he just became more mean and cruel at school and got suspended a lot more.

[last day of school]

"Scott Hoying report to the media center, Scott Hoying report to the media center." A voice over the inner com called.

Scott opened the door to the library and there stood Mitch. Suit and everything.

"Scott I'm sorry, I miss you like crazy and I will never forgive myself for letting you go."

"Mitch I'm with Kirstin now."

"You're what?" He asked sadly.

"I'm-Im with K-Kirstin."

"But. Scott."

"I'm sorry Mitch. If my mom ever found out that we are together again I would be dead."

"Can we at least still be friends?"

"Of course Mitchie!" Scott walked up to Mitch and hugged him. He had missed him and could never quite move on.

"I'm so happy to have my friend back."

"Me too."


[ Two Years Later ]

"Hey Mitch? This is Scott, um I know this is going to sound insane but do you wanna try out for that show the Sing Off??"

"Are you serious? I'd love to!"

"Okay cool! I already have Kirstie on board and Ben Bram, a close friend, found us a bass. But he said we should have a beat boxer too. So we're currently looking for one."

"Cool! Sounds good, when is the audition?"

"Um, let me check, June 8th."

"Shit that's my graduation."

"Really? Crap."

"I can miss it, I really want to audition."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure!"

"Okay! We could meet at my parents house tomorrow at noon and look for beat boxers."

"I'll be there."

"K, by Mitch."

"Bye Scott."


ANNNDDDD......The Winner is.......PENTATONIX!!!


Hi, so, welcome to Superfruit the new amazing channel on YouTube.


"That was a great show everyone!" Avi said as we stepped off stage of the last show on our On My Way Home tour.


"Cheers to a successful first show on our World Tour!!!" Scott screamed.

Everyone clinked their glasses and drank their champagne.


So basically this is the last chapter from THIS book. I have a sequel going up tomorrow. So this basically shows up to where the sequel will start! I'm so excited and I feel like I have so many more options as far as righting goes.

So, let me know what you want to see in the sequel! Yay! Love you guys with all my heart!



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