Hate his guts

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(r/n) is reader's name...

Before you will reach the ground, his strings lift you up and brings you near to him.

"What a great reaction, you nearly fell my dear, don't worry i will teach you a lot...he said with a smirk"

You can feel his strings to your body then all your senses cameback and stands up with your own feet. He loosen his strings. You look around you, all have worried faces because you nearly fell in the hard floor.

"Sorry for that, i was just surprised. I'm okay now. And Doflamingo, can you please release your strings on my body now. you said with irritating voice"

"Did you not eat miss (r/n)? Don't make us worried next time, it's good he catched you before you hit the hard floor." Sengoku told you.

"I think she only likes my attention?" Doffy said with a teasing voice while looking at you.

Everybody in the room laugh and looking at you, except for Zoro. You feel pissed and embarassed because of what he said. You wanted to throw him outside the building, you really hate his guts.

" I am sorry Sir and everyone! and correction i don't like your attention Doflamingo because you are not my type, you are out of my league." You said looking at him with a smirk and a one raise eyebrow. His veins starts to pop on his forehead and you felt happy because you pissed him too. So before everything will be in chaos between you two, Sengoku ends the meeting and told all the rookies to go back to their rooms and prepare for their next journey. All of you will travel today together with the shichibukai going back to their places.

Doflamingo X Reader: the more you hate the more you loveWhere stories live. Discover now