The not so sweet ending...

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Doflamingo is away from the palace and it's been 3 days since he left going to Sabaody together with Vergo and Trebol. He will attend there a 5 days business trip and to pay a visit to his auction house. And now you are so bored and lonely without him, even Baby 5 is not there your only close family member of Doffy because she needed also to go in Punk Hazaard together with Gladius and Senyor Pink to help the mission of Monet and Sugar. You went to see Daymian but today is his treatment day too so even him is not allowed to play and go out. Because of boredom you keep on walking here and there around the palace, going up and down the stairs, going to the pool and library but still you feel so bored and incomplete. In the end you decided to stay in the pool area, you sitted in your favorite bench then suddenly fell asleep. You don't know how long you've been sleeping when you heard Pica and Diamante yelling out your name. You opened your eyes and look to their direction but to your great surprise you saw your fleet admiral together with the vice admiral and unit captain walking towards you. They are looking at you with a serious gaze. You stand up suddenly with a surprise looks. Pica and Diamante leave you alone after bringing the navy officials in the pool area.

" sii....siiiirrrrir! whaaaaaatttttt a surprise! what are you doing here? and sir Garp and Captain Smoker too?! hehehehe..."

You're smiling so awkwardly and feels bit nervous while scratching the back of your head because of their surprise visit and you're so unprepared for it. Sengoku walks near you while the other 2 remains where they are standing enjoying their cigars...

"We are here to conduct some inspections and to visit the rookies and the warlords, we just met Zoro, Mihawk, and the other 2 more and they are having a serious hard training. How about you here? how are you r/n? feeling so relax today huh? i was expecting you're also having a hard training with Doflamingo but i heard that he went to Sabaody 3 days ago... Is he teaching you well? is he not hurting you or making anything that against the rules?" He asked you while stroking his long beard. You swallowed first again smiling..

"hehehe.... of course not! Doflamingo is the best teacher!" you answered while remembering him kissing and making love to you in the bed... you blush with those erotic moments....

"Are you learning a lot from him?" Garp asked too, now he is looking at you with a zero visibility because of too much smoke coming from his mouth.

"Of course Sir!" you answered again, i learned a lot from him." you thought while thinking all your sweet erotic moments together...

"why are you blushing? do you feel hot?" Sengoku again asking you.

"So hot here actually and the pool here is so nice, i feel to swim...." Smoker told while playing the pool water on his hands...

"Shit! Sorry boss, if i lied.... you thought while looking at them..

"Fine, fine, we will just comeback here when Doflamingo arrives, we wanted also to speak with him but since he is not here i think we will just meet first the other 3. Take care here r/n! We will go ahead..."

"Wait! wait sir, don't you like any drinks or food before going?" you offered to your bosses but they just say thanks and maybe next time when they comes back... You just nod while walking with them going out from the palace. After they left you felt a great relief.

"Sorry Sir Sengoku, Sir Garp and Captain Smoker, sorry if i lied about my training here. I hope all of you won't feel bad with me someday." You hope while looking at them vanishing from your sight...

After a few minutes, you saw Pica running on your direction holding a transponder snail...

" r/n!!! young master is here! he said he wanna speak with you!" Pica said with his high pitch tone. You smiled before getting the telephone from his big hand, after saying thank you Pica left you smiling, seems like he knows already your real score to Doffy but it does'nt matter anymore.

"Baby! i miss you so much here! i feel so bored without you! Please come home soon...." You said with a sad tone.

"i miss you too... how are you there? how's Daymian? is everything alright? Pica told me about the surprised visit of the navy officials a while ago.."

"Yeah, they just left, they said they will comeback here when you arrived Doffy, Daymian is okay too, both of us missing you so badly...! But really, i am so alone and bored here without you! i really miss you!" You said again with your trembling voice plus a teary eyes...

"Hey baby! don't cry! don't worry tommorow i'll be there ok, i am going to cut short my business trip here because even me i am missing you a lot here especially at night (he laugh)..."You laugh too but then you heard the voice of Trebol who is calling now for Doffy to go back, you felt bad trip because he needs to finish your conversation early..

"Sorry baby, have works to do now, i just skip from my meeting for few minutes because i wanted to speak with you, now have to go, take care there okay? and take care of the pet, don't worry i will never leave you again next time..."

"Baby wait!" You yell stopping him..." Yes? what is it?"

"Don't you ever try to flirt or talk with any girls there and don't you ever try to cheat on me because if you do that i will kill you! understand?!"

"Baby i am behave here and don't be jealous  because i am yours only and i love you only! you're my everything, my only queen you know that... But right now, really i have to go, see you tomorrow baby..."

"Very good if like that! hehe take care there too and see you tommorow! i love you so much my baby king! mwah! mwah! kiss kiss kiss my king........!" Doffy laugh at you because of your kiss kiss sound so he kiss you too before dropping his denden mushi. After his call you went to his room with a blushing cheek and a smile, you feel so happy too when you heard his voice and laugh again...

"I am waiting here sweetheart, when you come back we are going to announce our relationship to everyone... I don't want to keep it secret anymore, I don't want to lose you my king because you are my life now." You murmured to yourself before opening the huge door of his room, well you want  to continue your sleep to your lover's room...

The end... Thank you readers...

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