V ● Blue Pyjamas

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Hermione was running through the debris of the school she loved so well, casting curses behind her at the Death Eater pursuing her. Bellatrix Lestrange was a particularly vindictive witch, who wanted to finish what she had started at Malfoy Manor.

"Come out to play, little girl! It's no fun when you run!" She cackled manically, sending curses flying everywhere, drawing screams from the crowd.

Hermione knew that she couldn't run forever, and Bellatrix was persistent, so she turned to face her assailant.

"Oh, the little Mudblood is going to fight? How sweet!" Bellatrix cooed, with an evil gleam in her eyes.

"My name is Hermione, you bitch," she seethed as she launched an attack on the insane witch. Bellatrix's eyes widened as she defended herself, she clearly hadn't realised how strong Hermione was. She fired off a counterattack, which Hermione deflected with ease.

"Is that the best you've got? You're pathetic, Bellatrix! No one here will ever surrender to your Lord, no one wants to become a slave like you!" Hermione shouted, as she released a torrent of water at her adversary, washing her away into a horde of giants. She watched in satisfaction as one promptly stood on the manic witch, but still winced as she heard the bones be crushed.

Hermione whirled around, trying to find any other Death Eaters to duel. Fighting wasn't normally in her nature, but she had just lost the love of her life needlessly, and she was on the hunt for vengeance. Against whom, she didn't quite know, but she also didn't care.

Her eyes locked on a small first year girl who had obviously not reached her common room in time, cowered in fear of the tall masked man approaching her. Hermione ran as he raised his wand, the fatal curse half formed in his mouth.

She didn't think, she jumped in front of the green light hurtling towards the girl, and-

She woke with a start, her skin dripping with sweat, her heartbeat erratic. She pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes to staunch the tears, and to distract her from her shaking form. She changed out of her school robes and into a blue silk nightgown and robe.

Hermione stood on spindly legs, and wobbled to the ladder. Catching her breath once she reached the top, she shuffled to the common room, and flopped in an armchair by the fire. She attempted to summon a house elf to get her a cup of tea or something to steady her nerves.

She was successful, as a wide eyed small elf appeared before her, it's shoulders hunched and head lowered.

"Hello, what's your name?" Hermione asked kindly.

The elf's head shot up in surprise.

"No one has ever asked Hooky's name before, you are very nice Miss!" The elf, who she now knew to be called Hooky, beamed, which Hermione returned.

"Please, call me Despina, Hooky."

Hooky gasped, his slender fingers flying to cover his mouth. His eyes began to water, and soon he was blubbering uncontrollably.

"Oh no Hooky, please don't cry, I just want to be friends!" Hermione tried to comfort him, alarmed by this turn of events.

"Friends?! Miss wants to be friends with Hooky?!" His bawling increased in volume, if such a thing was possible, and he blew his nose in the pillowcase he wore.

"Hooky! Stop crying now!" Hermione commanded, but still gently as she didn't want to frighten the poor elf. He stopped immediately.

"Would you awfully mind getting me a cup of tea?"

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