26: Hiromi

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Nagisa's exclamation of shock was louder than he had intended, and the woman's eyes darted right to Nagisa.

"Nagisa-chan!" She exclaimed joyfully. "I'm back!"

Nagisa's heart dropped to him stomach as he began to grasp what had happened.

"B-But you w-were arrested!" Nagisa retorted. Hiromi's face turned dark.

"You say that like you didn't want me to come back."

Nagisa slammed his lips shut, thinking of how he could escape.

The branches he could jump too were too weak, so he couldn't leave via the trees.

His only option was to go down and try to outrun her.

Waiting until Hiromi's wavelength was low, showing her guard was down, he jumped down and began sprinting towards the classroom in hopes he could out-run the woman.

The classroom was in his sight when he tripped and screeched.

"HELP! GUYS! KARMA! PLEASE, ANYONE!" He screamed as loud as he could as his mother caught up and gagged his screaming.

The classroom heard muffled screams from outside and shot out of the building to see a woman holding Nagisa captive as he was crying and struggling.

Irina was the first out and recognized the woman instantly.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON!" She screeched, lurching towards Hiromi.

"YOUR SON?! SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!" Hiromi retorted as she took out a knife and placed it at Nagisa's throat, causing the boy to stiffen up and stop struggling. Hiromi smirked.

"That's a good girl. Now let's go. Take care of these people for me." She cooed. Nagisa's tears grew as he slowly shook his head.

"Oh?! Fighting me are we? What if I pointed the weapon at him!?" Hiromi took out a gun and pointed it directly at Karma.

Nagisa's eyes widened.

"Please not Karma! Kill me instead!"

Hiromi smiled crazily.

"Want him to live?! Take them out!"

Nagisa shut his eyes as he made his choice. Looking up, he glanced at his classmates who were shaking their head that they'd help him, and he didn't have to do what Hiromi was ordering of him.

"Nagisa I'll be fine! Don't do it!" Karma yelled. 

Hiromi cocked the gun.

"SHUT UP OR I'LL SHOOT! Nagisa-chan, you know what to do."

Nagisa made his choice.


Irina fell to the ground, unconscious.

Nagisa took a step forward, turning to Karma now.

"...I'm sorry."


Karma fell next.

"Good job dear, now get the rest of them."

Nagisa turned to his classmates, teary eyed.

Waiting until they were all in sync-


Everyone else fell down.

"Nice work sweetie~! Now let's go!"

Hiromi and Nagisa vanished into the forest.


Karma was the first to wake. Looking around, he noticed Nagisa was gone and Hiromi nowhere to be found.

"DAMMIT!" Karma screeched as he looked around for the two, ending up deciding he'd been out too long and they could be anywhere by now. Going over to the still unconscious Bitch-sensei, he kicked her to wake her up.

"Nagisa!" Irina exclaimed as she shot up, looking around. Karma shook his head.

"They're gone." He growled as he stomped inside.

"Ritsu-chan! Track Nagisa's phone!" He ordered the AI, who immediately did as told.

"His phone is located here." A map showed up on the screen, Nagisa's phone was apparently sitting in a river near an old factory that had been abandoned.

Irina and the rest of the class came into the door and noticed the map on Ritsu's system.

"Let's go get him."

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