45: Thief

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Karma growled as he read the email he had just been sent by Takahashi.

Akabane Karma,

I did it. I found what your little brat was up to those years. Who knew someone so small could do things like that? You know what I want. You better step off from trying to take down my investors, and to sweeten the pot I want you to bow at my feet and tell me you're sorry and beg for me to keep this information to myself. I have enough proof to lock him up forever, maybe even get an execution. He's been off the grid for so long, but I caught his sneaky thievery.

It's your move, Akabane.

Takahashi Keito

Karma picked up his phone and called Nagisa, asking him to come to Karma's study.

Nagisa walked in, hesitantly, wondering what got Karma so riled.

Karma wordlessly pointed at the screen of his computer and watched over Nagisa's shoulder as his husband read the email.

Nagisa's eyes filled with bloodlust as he read the beginning of the email, fists clenching, but suddenly relaxing when he got to the end, though the bloodlust in his eyes never wavered.

"He's lying." Nagisa said, simply.

"How do you know that?" Karma asked, bewildered.

"He just guessed what I had been doing. You can tell by the last line he thinks I was a thief. He's getting closer, and he thinks that by the time we react he'll have enough evidence to prove his theory. Of course, we're still going to go after him and make our move, but we don't need to worry right now. If we wanted we could just ignore this and while he may send more threats and act like he's getting really close, there's nothing he can do. Plus, I covered my tracks too well. He's not going to find enough evidence."

Karma gave a short sigh of relief that Takahashi was bluffing.

"Well, if he's at this point, we certainly should end this, ne?" Karma quipped, a smirk on his face, bloodlust lighting up in his eyes.

A similar looked mirrored in Nagisa's as he revealed his sharp snake fangs with a smirk.


Knock Knock

"Papa? Daddy? Are you in here? I need some help!"

The bloodlust instantly vanished from both male's eyes as they smiled softly at the voice of their daughter. Nagisa opened up the door and he and Karma walked out.

"We're here sweetheart. What did you need?" Nagisa asked.

"Well I was feeling lonely and you two have been really mad at the computers for the last few days since... those bad men showed up and... the- the..." Iyuka trailed off. Karma pulled her into his arms and off the ground.

"Hey, that's alright. We can go out if you'd like?" Karma offered, changing the subject.

Iyuka nodded, happily.

The family closed up the assassination room and set the security strength to a higher level before walking out to the car and driving into town.

"Do you want to get ice cream?" Nagisa offered. Iyuka lit up at the idea and nodded her head.

The parents smiled as they purchased their daughter ice cream, eating it slowly at the park before Nagisa got a notification on his phone.

Hearing the sound as the one for his work phone, Nagisa excused himself to go check it.

When he came back, Karma noticed his face was grim, and a few spikes of yellow could be seen in his eyes.

"Tomorrow. I just got the schedule." Nagisa said.

Karma nodded softly before turning back to Iyuka and initiating casual conversation about her day and how school went to avert her thoughts away from what her Papa had just said.

Tomorrow would be the day.

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