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~Chapter 30

*8 Months later

The bonds kept me from reaching out and strangling her to death. Just like Roy wants me to do. His happy laugh was the only thing that kept me kicking her rib over and over again.

I was high off power a few feet away her stupid mate my former alpha laid on the ground dead and cold covered in blood. I could see the pain this caused her the way her eyes darken over with pain.

It filled me with glee as i stepped on her chest and push down until she couldn't breath. I smiled feeling perfect happy and loved.

Roy's arm draped around me and pulled me as close as he could but i noticed i couldn't move my arms to circle around him. I struggled again against the bounds holding my arms back.

The dream started to drift away and white walls surrounded me as i struggled even harder. The softness of the ground seemed to aggravate me more and i pulled harder against the restraints.

This only made them cut into my skin at my wrist which i ignored. I thrashed roughly against the white jacket and slammed into the ground. The more time i wasted struggling the more Roy floated away Just disappearing into thin air.

I did the only thing i was able to do i stood up and ran after him when i got close enough to touch him i ran into the soft padding of the wall.

I fell backwards on my butt and looked around. Roy was gone and at the realization i wailed in anger. Then i balled up on the floor and cried my eyes out.


Watching Alicya balled up in that secure padded room i felt kind of bad.

It was safer for her in there still i felt like it wasn't right. I felt confused being worried about the only girl whose whole life was about nothing but killing me and hating me.

Still i did feel bad. After Derrick killed Roy Alicya went crazy and lost her mind. I seen right in front of me what losing a mate could do to someone. It wasn't pretty. It actually made me worry about her even more.

Speaking of mates mines was walking down the hall now. He had on a navy blue shirt and some black jeans. On his feet were a black pair of Jordan's with white shoe strings. His black hair waved lousy around his face now that he combed the curls out. His black eyes were smothering black and i got lost in them.

When he was in front of me he pulled me in his arms and kissed me lightly on my lips. I grew dizzy from just that one kiss and knew i would be asking for more later.

He smiled down at me and i blushed at him. He was so perfect and i was glad to have him. "Are you ready to go" he said brushing his nose through my hair. I shivered and nodded my head.

He smiled down at me warmly. I smiled back before frowning and looking back at alicya padded room. Derrick eyes followed mines and he frowned as well his filled with disgust instead of worry.

"Are you sure its OK for her to be here" I asked my eye brows pulling together in worry. Worry for someone who doesn't deserve it. He looked down at me one eyebrow raised. "She's safer here then anywhere else."

What i heard in my head was "she's safer if she's far from me." Biting my lip i nodded my head he pulled me closer in his arms. "Trust me Rena it will be easier for her especially in her state of mind" he said and i nodded reluctantly because i knew he was right.

He smiled at my stubbornness and gave me a kiss on the nose "lets get out of here this hospital is giving me a bad vibe." I totally agreed and we left his arm wrapped securely around me.

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