Living Together

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this one shot will jump around as it is only a one shot not a story. also pretend that the something happens to the apartment but nothing to bad because none of their stuff is runined. it was acting up all the parts were mixed for me so I'm reuploading

Reginas pov.

Waking up to my phone ringing frantically is not a good thing. I groan but grab the phone anyways as I see Henry's name I slightly panic why would he be calling me this late? I answer the phone quickly "Henry what is it? What's wrong? Where's Emma?"
"Im fine mom but something happen to the apartment everyone is fine and everything is okay besides the fact there's a big hole in the wall. We aren't sure what happened but we can't stay here tonight."
I poofed over there immediately forgetting that I was in my silk nightgown. Once Emma seen me I thought her eyes were going to pop out. Smirking I glanced at what I was wearing then grabbed her red leather jacket that was draped over the chair and put it on. I then walked up to snow who was holding Neal and asking David what they should do.
"Snow I'm not sure what happened here but this place isn't safe to stay in. My Mansion is big enough there's plenty of space and plenty of rooms why don't you pack up and come stay until we can get this thing all figured out."
"Really Regina? That's very kind of you thank you!"
I poofed most of their belongs to my house so we wouldn't have to come back and forth. Once everyone was at the mansion I lead snow and David up to their room. It was a fairly big room with a queen size bed, medium TV in the corner, a walk in closet and an ensuite bathroom, and enough space for Neals crib. I check on Henry who was back in his room in bed. This was supposed to be his week with Emma but I guess now it's his week with both of us. I kiss his head and shut the door going downstairs to find Emma laying on the couch awake.
"Miss Swan I will not have you sleeping on my sofa but I am out of rooms so I guess we'll just have to share mine."
"Seriously? I get to sleep in the queens bed? This has to he some kind of joke." emma said with a cheeky grin laughing at her own joke.
"Fine sleep on the floor just don't come crying to me when your back hurts"
"No Gina wait I was kidding I'd be honored to be allowed to sleep in Her Majesty's bed" still laughing she made her way up to my room to get settled. Either this is going to be really fun or it's going to end badly but considering the way she looks at me I think we'll have fun. When I get up to my room I realized I still have on her jacket, Emma is unpacking some clothes in my closet so I go up behind her taking the jacket off and handing it to her. she takes it and gulps notably as she looks at me.
"See something you like?" I ask walking to the bed and getting in. She hangs up and jacket and go to the other side of the bed taking her pants off leaving her in underwear and a tank top.
"Well aren't you just comfy I hope you sleep with pants on when our son stays with you."
"I don't feel like looking for them right now and I sleep better naked you're lucky I have this on and you can't say anything about me have you seen what you're wearing? No bra and a night dress that barely covers anything my jacket looked like a dress compared to it."
I was slightly shocked by what she said but being me I had to continue our banter. "I will have you know they I have a robe I wear if I need to walk around the house just getting woken up in the middle of the night with bad news scared me and I just left without thinking plus need i remind you Henry wasn't even here with me it was your week so I can wear this to sleep if I wanted. Also who wears a bra to sleep it's uncomfortable. Now turn your lamp off and go to sleep."
"You could ask nicely your majesty... Goodnight Regina thanks for letting us stay.
She turned off her light and got comfortable I wanted to tell her that it was no problem and she was always welcome in our home but I couldn't get the words out. Something about her makes it hard for me. She makes me shy, makes feel butterflies, things I've only felt once in my life and have been scared to feel since. Now things are different I can have feelings I just hope to God she will return them. With that thought I drift off to sleep.

The Next Morning
Emma's pov.

When I woke up I rememberd I was at Reginas I opened my see to see the back of her head without thinking I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her spooning her. For a split-second it was nice until her raspy voice could be heard
"Swan what are you doing?"
"morning cuddles?" I replied more of a question.
"I do not cuddle so would you please let me go.
"You could have fooled me there was no separating you from my arm last night." I said while moving so I was laying on my back.
"That's different I was cold and you were warm." She said turning to face me.
"Sure keep telling yourself that."
"You know what I wouldnt have been so cold if you didn't keep hogging all the blankets. I just might buy a dog bed and let you sleep on that."
"That's rude Gina you didn't need to hurt my feelings. In order to make it up to me I want 5 minutes of cuddling with no complaints!" I through the blankets off of us while she huffed and said fine. I put my head on her chest and intertwined our legs together while throwing my left arm over her torso.
"You have to put you arm around my back Gina."
"You look like a koala and not a cute one." she said runing her hand up and down my back.
"Every time you insult me I'm adding 2 minutes. Could you scratch my head?"
"You better not fall back asleep we need to make breakfast for everybody." She said while scratching the back of my head.
I didn't respond which I guess she took as me falling back asleep. I figured she'd get mad and push me off of her but she didn't she just poofed the blanket back over us and went to sleep. Eventually I fell asleep to but woke an hour later to the smell of food. Regina was still under me so I assumed it meant my mom was up. I untangled myself from Regina careful not to wake her. She looked so peaceful I tucked her back in and made my way to the bath room to freshen up. When I came back out she was still asleep so I changed then went downstairs. Henry, Neal and my dad were in the living room. Neal was playing with toys while my dad and Henry played his game. "Good morning guys" I said while kissing Henry on the head
"Don't you mean good afternoon?" Henry said not looking away from the game.
"What? what time is it?"
"almost 1pm" my dad answered.
I walked in the kitchen to see my mom making lunch.
"Good afternoon sweet heart. Where did you sleep? and where is Regina? It's unlike her to still be sleeping at noon."
"Ummm I slept in Regina's room, I guess she didn't want me ruining her couch so we're sharing a room. She was still asleep when I came down but I should go wake her so she won't be too mad about it. It was kinda my fault she stayed in bed anyways."
"What do you mean by that?" Snow asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I made her cuddle with me when we woke up and I kinda fell asleep on her so she couldn't really move." After explaining I'm ran up the stairs before she could question anything else. I guessed that my mother could see my true feelings for Regina but I didn't want to risk her asking me about. As I got to Reginas bed room door I slowly pushed it open in case she was still asleep but I was surprised the the perfectly made bed as soon as I stepped foot in the room the bathroom door opened and out came a naked Regina.
"Swan! Oh My God" She hurried to her closet and pulled on a robe.
I couldnt move or say anything I just stood there with my mouth open like an idiot.
"Are you just going to stand there? The first show was free, the next ones gonna cost! she said while taking some clothes into the bathroom and shuting the door. After a minute or so I was able to gain function back in my legs. I said sorry then quickly made my way downstairs.
her perfectly tan body burned into my mind. I knew she had a great body but seeing it wet from the shower naked in all its glory was going to take a toll on me. I can't have these feelings for her while continuing to sleep in her bed it's not right.

Later that night
Reginas pov.

After what happened earlier we kind of pretended like it didn't. At least we didn't talk about it until when we were getting ready for bed.
"Emma? Are we okay? You've barely talk to me and you won't look me in the eye. Did I make you uncomfortable? I thought you'd be downstairs and I like to air dry so I didn't bother with a towel. Please Em look at me." She turned in bed to look at me our bodies mirrored each other.
"I'm sorry Gina it's just I thought I would be making you uncomfortable if we talked about it. I should have knocked or announce my presence. I should have realized you were in the shower when I opened the door and the bed was made.
"Its not your fault this is your room to now you don't need to announce your presence. I should have been more considerate and just grabbed a damn towel."
Emma give a sharp intake of breath
"Your majesty the queen doesn't use such foul language"
"The evil queen does." I said laughing with her.
"Oh come on Gina you are not the evil queen. You are just a queen. Simple as that. You've come a long way, you are the strongest, bravest, beautifulest woman I know." After all that she kissed my forehead I never wanted her lips to leave my skin. I felt so safe, so loved, so important in the few seconds that her lips were on my forehead and hands on my face. I backed up to look in her eyes when she was done she smiled at me.
"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" she asked.
"I'm not really sure right now. Can I cuddle with you?"
"You don't need to ask Gina, come here."
I laid my head in her neck and held on to her so tight afraid that if I let go she would leave never come back.

Couple months later
Emma's pov

Regina and I aren't a couple as much as I wish we were. I never found it in me to tell her how I feel. She hasn't told me anything about how she feels either so here we are on annual cuddle Sunday. She has learned to love cuddles but it's only at night or on Sunday it's tradition now. We cuddle in bed till noon then we go down for family movie day and cuddle on the couch together the family has learned to accept seeing us together. my feelings for Regina only grew over these passed months. I want to tell her but I'm scared. After watching The Proposal with Regina in my lap and our fingers interlocked midway through. I decided tonight would be the night I tell her how I feel. As we got ready for bed I started noticing how we looked like we were already married. We did things perfectly in sync never bumping into each other it was like we've been doing this our whole lifes. When I got into bed I turned to like at Regina who was already cuddling up to me she put her head on my chest and her right hand grabbed my left intertwining our fingers.
"Gina can we talk?" She nodded than moved up to make eye contact with me her hand never leaving mine.
"These past few months here with you and Henry have been the best months of my life. I finally found my family I wouldn't trade them for the world.
Regina you are a big part of this family.
I don't know how to thank you enough for everything that you've done for me, my parents and Henry. I'm not sure if I ever thanked you for raising him. You did the best job you were exactly the kind of person i had in mind when I had to give him up. Thank you for not letting him be bounced around from home to home. I love you Regina. I don't want to imagine my life without you."
Regina had tears in her eyes I couldn't tell if they were bad or good. Her hand slipped from mine and made it's way to my face. She pulled me closer I could feel her breath on my lips. I looked in her eye as if asking for permission she answered by pulling me into one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had.
Several minutes passed before we pulled back due to lack of air.
"I love you too Emma."
I smiled brightly and kissed her again then kissed all over her face. She giggled and at that moment I realised that was the most beautiful sound in the world.
"Can we get married? I want everyone to know that Mayor Sexypants is taken and has a family that is not to be messed with." she laughed before answering.
"Mayor Sexypants? really what am I marrying a 13 year-old boy? and also you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend yet or took me out on a date. I'm feeling cheated jumping straight to wife. I don't even see a ring."
"Regina will you be my girlfriend? So I can take you on a date tomorrow to the jewelry store where I can buy you a ring to make you my wife?"
"Well when you put it like that how can a girl say no."
I was beyond excited I love Regina and she loves me back! We kissed all night I couldn't believe she was finally mine. Our family was finally complete...well almost complete I might want another kid with Regina but I'll bring that up after she says I do.

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