Not a Hangover..Well Maybe

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My first time writing one shots hopefully I'll get better. This is messy and all over the place but it's been playing in my head over and over again so here it is. Also disclaimer they are not together in the beginning just really good friends. Any mistakes are mine obviously I tend to just type and leave the typos.

After a fun night of drinking at Regina's Emma decided it was time to put the mayor to bed knowing she's had too much too drink. Regina insists she can make it by herself but she's laughing so hard she fell on the 2nd step luckily Emma was there to catch her. Emma picked her up bridal style making Regina go into another fit of laughter. "Wow I didn't realize how strong you are, I'll be sure to call you next time I don't feel like walking up my stairs" Regina says while laughing. "Anything for you my queen" Emma responses with a cheeky grin. laughing they finally make it to Regina's bed room. Emma places Regina down carefully and turns to leave.
"And just where do you think you're going?"-Regina
"Home? to sleep."-Emma
"You're not going anywhere we've had way to much to drink. Get in bed now"-Regina

as Regina says that she used her magic to shut and lock her bed room door as well as proofing on there preferred sleeping clothes. After the purple smoke surrounding Emma disappeared she look down and blushed furiously. Regina noticed and looked to see what I had Emma so red. There Emma stood in nothing but a tank top and underwear. Regina laughed "it's okay just get under the covers if you don't want me to see" Emma got in bed and looked at Regina "I usually sleep naked you're lucky I actually have on a nighty" Regina said laughing "I actually wouldn't mind that at all" Emma murmured so softly Regina couldn't make out what she said exactly.

the morning sun came way to quickly and Regina was the first to wake. As she opened her eyes she realized she had her head on Emma's chest, legs intertwined, arm across her torso. Regina's right hand was holding Emma's left fingers interlocked. You would think Regina would jump away and get scared of the affection but no she couldn't feel more safe or more at home anywhere. She never wanted this feeling to end. Soon Emma woke up and smiled at the position there in not knowing Regina was already awake she began running her free hand though Regina's hair scratching her scalp lightly. Regina moaned her appreciation and looked up "Good morning" she said her voice husky. "Morning, how's your head?" Emma said groggy. "Fine actually but I could really go for some breakfast."-Regina
"I'm still sleepy but food wouldn't be rejected"-Emma
Regina laughed and unattached herself from Emma "You sleep some more I'll go make breakfast and wake you when it's done."-Regina "if the foods as good as it think it will be you just may never get rid of me" -Emma laughed falling back asleep. "id actually prefer it of you stayed"-Regina whispered more to herself. After doing her morning routines of using the bathroom washing her face and hands, brushing her teeth and hair she made her way downstairs to start on breakfast. She decided to make grilled cheeses and bacon along with strong coffee for her and hot cocoa for Emma. As you would have guessed the smell of bacon is what got Emma out of bed ready to eat as she walked out ofthe bathroom after freshening up she quickly realized she was in her underwear so she poofed up a pair of sweatpants and made her way downstairs. Regina heard Emma walking into the kitchen and smiled and the look on Emma's face. " Grilled cheese! and bacon!? and some hot cocoa for me? Regina will you marry me?!" Emma said laughing. She walked to Regina hugging her from behind "Has anyone ever told you how amazingly awesome you are? I love you! You are the best." she said kissing the side of her head and walking back to the table where the food was waiting minus the grilled cheese Regina was currently making. After eating Regina got sleepy and Emma could see it in her eyes. Emma gather all the dishes and begin walking to the sink as she started on the dishes she turned to Regina and said "Why don't you go on go up to bed I'll do the dishes then let myself out."
Regina flicked her wrist and all the dishes were done. "I have a better idea since the dishes are already done why don't you clean and take a nap with me?" Regina countered. "Anything for you my queen." Emma gave a quick bow and started laughing following Regina up the stairs. As they got into bed Regina looked up at Emma then look down and in the smallest voice asked "Will you cuddled me? you don't have to I just feel safer in your arms and I will sleep better."
"Of course Gina come on" Emma opened her arms to let Regina in. Their bodies are facing each other Regina curls into emma laying her head in the crook of her neck, arms wrapped tightly around her back. "Thank you" Regina mumbled. "Anytime" Emma responded already falling asleep. Two hours later Henry returned home from his grandparents to find his mom's sleeping peacefully in each others arms. He gets his phone out and starts taking pictures only not getting the full picture so he stands up on the bed quickly as to not wake up his mother's and snaps one picture before falling off the bed onto his butt. With a loud thud and a groan from Henry both Emma and Regina shot up from there sleeping position. "Henry honey are you okay? what happened?" Regina asked leaning over the bed to look at her son who is sprawled out over her floor.
Emma takes the chance to admire Regina's ass but quickly brought herself back to reality when she noticed Henry starting to stand up. "Um I was..ugh I was going to wake you and Ma up by jumping on the bed but I lost me footing and fell off" he lied looking at the ground scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Haha that's what I'd like to call instant karma kid. Blows doesn't it?" Emma says chuckling. Regina smacks her arm "He could have gotten hurt don't laugh at him" Regina now looks at the clock and sees it reads 5:30pm "wow we slept for 5 1/2 hours" yawning Emma says "felt like 1 hour." "Well are you staying for dinner and a movie ma? It's a tradition me and mom have ever time I spend the night someplace when I get back we have a movie night. So are you in?" Henry asks looking from Emma to Regina. "yeah! why don't you stay for movie night! We can order pizza and salad." Regina said smiling wide. "Okay but can we have movie night in here? This bed is really comfy and it's big enough to fit all 3 of us not to mention the huge tv in here." "Thats fine with me" Regina and Henry answered at the same time. "I'll go change into comfy clothes and order the pizza be right back" Henry said going to his room. Regina layed back down in Emma's arms "You know you should just move in I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep again if your not here with me." Regina said looking up at Emma. Emma smiled down at her and placed a hand on Regina's cheek "I'll only move in if you agree to be my girlfriend" Emma said nervously. Regina was shocked to say the least. She knew she had feelings for Emma she just didn't know Emma had them for her as well. Regina immediately placed a kiss on Emma's lips. Emma depends the kiss then a white light surged from between them and spread throughout the town. They part "true loves kiss" they say breathless and smiling at each other. "So is that a yes? will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course silly! I love you and you're moving in!" Regina says while laughing. "i love you too" Emma says kissing her again. At that moment Henry walked in "um did I miss something guys?" They all laughed.

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