4. Please

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After breakfast, we headed to Donatello's house. "Donatello is a prophet, and he gets visions from God and things like that," Sam explained.
"Donatello, like the mutant ninja turtle?" I asked.
"That's what I said! Still don't understand how he could be God's prophet." Dean added. "God works in mysterious ways," Sam replied. We pulled up to Donatello's house. It was an ugly, dull-looking house. Dean was the first to knock. "Donatello?" Dean shouted. A couple of seconds later, a short man came to the door.
"Boys! It's nice to see you again! How are ya?" He granted us passage inside. "And who is this?" he said, closing the door behind me.
"This is Shirley. She's a friend of ours." Sam said.
"Nice to meet ya." He shook my hand. "Can I offer you a drink?" I shook my head, yes.
"Actually, we came to pick you up. We're saving Lucifer. Come on." Donatello picked up his jacket.
"I still can't believe I'm a prophet." He closed the door behind us. "I mean, God?" He took a seat in the back seat. "I'm an Atheist I don't believe in God I believe in scientific reasoning. I believe in science, research, in physical proof, not miracles and angels and demons. How can I be a prophet?" He continued ranting the entire way to the bunker.

"We get it, Donatello." Dean parked the car. "You don't believe in God, but you're a prophet now. There's nothing you can do about it." I rubbed my head. All his ranting was giving me a headache. "Metatron? Chuck?" We stepped inside. "We brought Chinese." Dean shook the bag as if he were calling a dog.
"My favorite!" The man in the robe stood up from the couch and headed towards the dining room. When did they get here?
"This is Chuck, and this is Metatron," Sam said. Donatello spoke first.
"I guess you know that I was an atheist until like ten minutes ago. Is that going to be an issue?"
"Not for me. I mean, I believe in me. But your skepticism is to be expected. I did include free will in the kit." I smiled. He can't be God. He acts like he's from a sitcom. Dean furrowed his eyebrows.
"Is that my computer?"
"I've never seen so much porn. Not in one sitting." Chuck responded as Dean's cheeks flushed red. I lifted an eyebrow at him and smirked.
"Give me that." He took his computer away from Chuck.
"Hi, I'm Shirley." I shook Chuck's and Metatron's hands.
"She's definitely not a Winchester," Metatron said.
"Nope, she's just a regular girl with a rough past and interesting future."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"You'll find out soon, Shirley." He patted my shoulder.

"So here's the plan," Dean said, taking in a forkful of noodles.
"Does he ever stop eating?" I whispered to Sam.
"No, he doesn't." He whispered back.
"And finally, we get Lucifer and come back." I raised my hand.
"Uh, so what's my part in this plan?"
"None, I can't put your life in danger. You're just a kid."
"Aw come on Dean, I can help. It was my idea in the first place."
"Dean, it's not fair I should be able to go. It was my plan in the first place."
"I don't care if it was your plan. You're not going. Chuck watch over her, please."
"Of course," Chuck responded with a mouth full of noodles.
"Is he really God?" I whispered to Castiel.
"He goes by Chuck." he sighed. "Dean's right, you don't know anything about this. You must stay here."
"Castiel! I thought you had my back." I pouted. "How about you, Sam? Convince them; I should go. Please." He stayed quiet. "Metatron?"
"I barely know you, kid."
"You're acting like a child, Shirley," Castiel answered for him. I took a deep breath."Okay. I'll stay here." They all turned and looked at me. "I can be mature." I took a seat on the couch.
"Ready?" Dean asked Sam.
"Yeah, I've loaded up the car."
"Alright, promise me you'll stay here," Dean said, leaning down to look at me.
"I promise." He looked away from me and looked at Chuck. "He knows what to do, Dean. Now, go save the world, or whatever." He smiled. They left without another word. "Do you think they'll be okay?" I asked Chuck.
"They're Winchesters. They'll find a way. They always do."

"Chuck, it's been an hour. They should be here by now." I paced around the room.
"You don't know Sam and Dean as I do."
"But what if they're in trouble?"
"I think you forget that I see and hear everything." He responded.
"But you weren't there when I needed you, so why would you be there when they need help." He sighed.
"It's called 'free will' Shirley. That means you have the right to do anything you want -" I cut him off.
"'Free will' my ass Chuck. I needed you, and you weren't there." I took a deep breath. "I was just a kid, Chuck." He stayed silent. "God, I wish they were here already." Suddenly the Impala appeared in the middle of the room. Sam, Dean, and Donatello came out of the car.
"What the hell?" Dean looked around the bunker. A blonde man emerged from the car.
"Dad?" he said as he watched Chuck.
"Lucifer?" He responded.
"Lucifer?" I turned to look at Chuck.

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