3. Angels Don't Eat

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I couldn't fall back asleep. Dean's words played on repeat inside of my head. Over and over. "Bratty teenage kid," I whispered to myself. As I wiped a tear from my cheek, there was a soft knock on the door. I pushed loose strands of hair behind my ears. "Come in." I sniffled.

"Hey," Sam said with a small apologetic smile. "I brought you some of my old tees. I thought maybe you could wear that for now." He places the shirts on the edge of the bed. He cleared his throat. "Well, if you need anything, let me know." He softly closed the door on his way out. Once again, it was just me and my thoughts eating away at the little sanity I had left. Memories I tried so hard to keep away slithered their way back into my mind, causing tears to slide down. I never knew I was destroying myself, physically, emotionally, mentally. Everything seemed like a lie. Like it was all a dream. Strangers giving me shelter, Angels, Vampires, it all has to be a dream it has to be. I must be hallucinating from the drugs. My brain began to pound against my head, begging to be set from this torturous self-destruction. I closed my eyes and laid onto the bed as an attempt to fall into a deep sleep.

Failing terribly, I glanced at the time. 8:00 AM. So much for sleep. I sighed as I sat back up. I headed into the bathroom. Gloomy just like every other room in the place. I took a quick shower and changed into one of Sam's tee shirts. They were practically knee-length dresses on me. I headed back to the dining room, where I first came into contact with them. Of course, it was empty, everyone safely tucked into their beds. I took a seat at the table.

"Please forgive my earlier behavior. Humans are complicated beings I have yet to comprehend." I jumped at the voice.
"Castiel. I didn't see you there." He walked closer to me.
"Dean, he's not in the right mindset." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I can't lie." I start. "He was kind of a dick."
"Yes, I understand. We are currently in a difficult situation; we can't seem to find a way out of." He sighed.
"Can I help?" I said, offering a seat.
"Well, it's, uh, complicated. It includes supernatural beings and things you would not understand." I chuckled.
"More complicated than my entire life."
"Must be serious." I frown.
"God has a sister. Amara. God was light, and she was Darkness. She has captured Lucifer, and we have no idea how to get him back." He scratches his head. My curiosity kicks in.
"Isn't Lucifer like the Devil?" I ask.
"Yes, but we need all the power to defeat Amara." I stand up and head to the kitchen as Castiel follows behind.
"You're going to need a distraction to get Lucifer back. Isn't Dean connected to her somehow?" I pour water into a glass.
"Yes. When Dean held the mark of Cain, he kept her locked up, but when we got rid of it to alleviate his anger, he set her free."
"Perfect." I took a sip. "Use Dean as a distraction. Have him talk to her trick her into thinking he'll join her. While Dean is distracting her-"

"Sam, Donatello, and Metatron will get Lucifer. It's perfect." I jumped at the sound of his voice. I turned around to see Dean digging in the fridge. He pulled out a piece of leftover pie. He takes a seat next to me.
"Sorry about last night. I was a dick."
"A big dick." I snapped back. "It was disrespectful and straight-up mean. But I do forgive you if we could get some real breakfast and not a leftover pie?" He smiled.
"I could eat some breakfast." Said Sam entering the room with wet hair.
"Are you hungry, Castiel?" Sam and Dean chuckled. "Did I say something wrong?" I insecurely asked.
"Rule number one about Angels." Began Dean.
"Angels don't eat." Sam finished.

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