Chapter I

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I took a deep breath, staring at the front door I haven't seen in a very long time, I didn't realise it was so hard to knock on the door until I'm right in front of it. I took another deep breath and raised my hand and knocked on the door.


The door opened and there was Jeremy, he was very shocked to see me, as I him, he has really grown.

"Wow jer you've really grown, what's it been just over a year now" I say to him

"Yeah.... well it's been so long" Jeremy said and gave me a hug which I returned.

"Whos at the door jer" said a voice which I recognised straight away as Elena my twin sister.

"Hey sis been awhile" I said smiling at her, she was very shocked to see me but ran at me and hugged me. After awhile she let's go and asks

"What are you doing here Rosalee? Why aren't you in New York getting treated?"

"Well I've been fine for awhile now and it's not like it can be treated" I said

"Yes but they can watch you, make sure that you-" I cut Elena off

"Yes yes I no but like I said I'm fine so are you going to make me stay outside all day?" I ask

"Ah no here let me grab your bags" Jeremy finally speaks and grabs my bag and brings them inside.

"Whose at the door" someone said I turn to look who said it to find out it was aunt Jenna, she was lying on the couch.

"Been awhile aunt Jenna" I smile at her

"Rosalee" Jenna says excitedly and tries to get up only to grunt in pain. I ran up to her.

"Whats wrong, what happened?" I ask

"Oh you know I just ran into a knife" she says

"Ran into a knife.... seriously, how can that happen" I ask

"I have no idea, I could die of embarrassment" Jenna says

"Dont say that, I just got back I can't have you dying on me" I joke.

"Haha ok, why don't you go unpack, your room is still the same, we can talk later" aunt Jenna says.

"Ok fine I'll be back soon" I say and grab my bags and went to my old room.

"I'm going out I'll see you later" yelled Jeremy.

I continued up stairs and unpacked my stuff.


Everyone has all gathered at the Salvatore house, we are getting ready to kill Katherine at the masquerade ball.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help" asks Alaric

"No we need you to keep an eye on Elena, make sure she doesn't leave" said Stefan.

"Trust me she won't leave my side" says Alaric.

"There is something else that everyone should know, which you should no before you go to our house" I say but more the last part to ric

"Of cause more surprises what could it possibly be" Damon asks

"Ah well Rosalee is back" I say, I got a few confused looks but Bonnie and Caroline looked surprised and happy.

"Really she's back, I can't wait to meet her it's been forever since I last saw her" Caroline screamed happily.

"Really when did she get back? Shouldn't she still be getting treated?" Bonnie says

"Who cares she's back, I can't wait to see her" Caroline says happily. Which I can understand she and rosalee were best friends.

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