Chapter 1: Five

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You ran out of the room and went to room with the pedestals. You gasped for breath again and mumbled, "What the hell was that?" You tried to convince yourself that it was nothing. That it was a figment of your wildest imaginations. But no, it didn't seem like it. You set it all aside and flipped the switch. Due to this, the floor was filled with more ink puddles.

"Eugh." You mumbled, each time you stepped in some. You brisk-walked since the place seemed much more eerie than usual. Sure, the lights were brighter but it seemed more creepier. You tilted your head in confusion as you saw the room to the ink machine.

"There were....boards?" You mumbled. You swore that there were none. If there were than you wouldn't have gotten the cog and you wouldn't have been curious about that weird ink machine. Well, maybe you would still be curious about it but that isn't the point. There seemed to be a large puddle of ink that seemed to spark your curiosity since you swore that wasn't there too. If you could only take a closer look....

And out comes an ink creature. You scream loudly and fall on your bottom as it emerges from the puddle and try to scramble away while still looking at the thing. And I don't mean zombie like. It was more of a jack in the box like. It's eyes were being covered by ink but that grin and horns were so familiar.

"Hey now, don't be like that <after all you didn't heed my warning>" it said, crossing it's inky arms. You said nothing but you could feel yourself shaking.

"Warning?" You muttered, shaking slightly. Apparently it-or he heard and replied.

"Yes. The whole don't believe the letter thing. Vous, les humains, toujours brosser les rêves comme des rêves, vous n'avez jamais considéré que ce pourrait être un avertissement ou quelque chose. Non, non, vous n'avez pas"

You didn't reply but everything slightly clicked.

"Alright let's get things straight. What's your name again? I can't quite remember," it says again.
"(Y-Y/N)," you reply.

'Shut up, logic. I'm scared to the point where I feel like I'm about to crap my pants.'
'Why do you think I'm telling you to shut up?'

The inky creature chuckles. "I'm surprised that your so calm. Well, (Y/N) let's pretend this never happened, alright. You'll have a few seconds before the floor starts flooding with ink because of your doing-"

"Curiosity kills that cat but satisfaction brought it back," you said, cutting it off.
Grossier... Je vais le laisser glisser now where was I? Oh, right. So be sure to find the exit. It'll be hard Mais je suis sûr que vous n'êtes pas si stupide, oui? Now, you best run along."

You blinked a few times and got up. You stared at it for a few moments. It looked so familiar.... That grin and horns... Is this... Bendy? You thought getting more hypnotized by his features.

"DAMNIT (Y/N) RUN!" It roared out, snapping you out of your trance.

"Do I really have to give you some motivation? Fine. Now run!" It said as it seemed to be prying off the wooden boards and getting closer to you. As soon as you realized this you turned around and sprinted off.

~Bendy's POV~

The ink began to rise more and more. I see (Y/N) sprinting off to the exit. I follow her just for her own motivation and safety. I chuckled softly as I heard her chant, "don't look back". She was quite odd. I... Like it?

~Back to Normal POV~
You kept running and running. And the ink kept rising. By now it was almost by your knees.

'Find exit. Don't look back. Run from weird monster that seems familiar' you chanted in your mind.

"YES!" You yelled, finding the exit. But as soon as you placed your hand on the handle the floorboards gave in and you went falling down.

'DEJA VU I'VE JUST BEEN IN THIS PLACE BEFORE' was your last yet somehow hilarious thought before everything went black.

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