**FANFIC OF HOW BOYS THINK** <-- its a great book you should check it out!!
Chapter1: Meeting a Guy You For The First Time
Meet the girls:
Nora- She is usually the sensable one, but every now and again she surprises us with perverted comments. Every now and again she surprises us though...
Valentina- I'm gonna give it to you straight, she is the one with the most experiance in the group.
Natalie- She's crazy, the goof ball of the group!
Ashley- The quit one, she's is definatley the smart one. She usually helps us with our problems.
Kelsey- Well thats me, the girl thats never had a boyfriend but still loves guys. ;) (Will sometimes answer question)
Alexa- The pretty blonde that also writes here on watpad. (Will sometimes answer questions)
Question 1:
What is the first thing you think when you see a hot guy?
Nora-Making out...on a beach!
Valentina- How you doin? Oh yeah baby ;) ..... what do you want me to think... chocolate? Candy? Maybe if I'm hungry...
Natalie- Hi.. period! You have to put a period after hi!!
Ashley- I hope his pants fall off... (That got our lunch table some weird looks from the guys sitting by us)
Question 2:
What is the first thing on your mind when you see your crush?
Nora- I hope I don't do anything embaressing..
Valentina- Sex... I don't know.
Natalie- How do I look?
Ashley- I hope I don't trip and fall on my face. It's happened before...
Question 3:
Do you go up and start a conversation with your crush?
Nora- Yes (gives me weird look)
Valentina- Duh!
Natalie- Yeah, why not?
Ashley- I guess ... if I don't trip over something first.
Question 4:
What is your type?
Nora-Brown hair, blue eyes, tall, funny and smart.
Valentina- (See drawing on side)
Natalie- Must be sexy! Tall (because she is super tall)funny... and pretty.
Ashley- Tan, MUSThave abs, funny,and smart.
Question 5:
Kiss on the first date?
Nora- No!
Valentina- Your crazy right!? Of course kiss on the first date! God you wimps!
Natalie- No I'd smack em' if they tried. (That would be entertaining to watch)
Ashley- No
(This is where I butt in because they are crazy) Kelsey- Of course kiss on the first date. If you didn't kiss until he asked you to be his girlfriend, what is he is a bad kisser? How awkward would that be?!
Question 6:
If someone tells you your crush is a player what do you do?
Nora- I wouldn't like him anymore.
Valentina-Talk to him... date him for two weeks. I can't believe gossip, you hear the shit kids spreadaround these days.
Natalie- Wouldn't like him.
Question 7:
What do you do when your friends nag you about a crush?
Nora- Tell them to shut the fuck up!!
Valentina- I don't know listen to them.
Natalie- Tell them to leave me alone
Ashley- I don't know.
Question 8:
What would you do if your best friend had the same crush on you?
Nora-Make a pact not to get into a fight over him.
Valentina- Talk to her
Natalie- This is awkward...
Ashley- I wouldn't care.
Question 9:
How would you react if your best friend started dating your crush?
Nora- Wouldn't like him anymore
Valentina- Nothing he's her's.
Natalie-Be happy for her.
Ashley- Be happy but secretly jeolous cause she got him.
Question 10:
What would you do if you walked in on your crush (and/or boyfriend) having sex with your best friend? (I don't have a clue where this question came from)
Nora- Slam the door and run away screaming 'My eyes! My innocent eyes!' (Thats Nora alway has a sense of humor)
Valentina- Slap that bitch!
Natalie- Curse in polish then run out. (Our other friend Alexa made the comment- You people keep forgetting to shut the door)
Ashley- Scream and run out of the room.