Chapter 22- Tangible

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CHAPTER 22- Tangible


"I want you. All of you." My body trembled at the intensity of his voice. He had his arms above my head, caging me in and my eyes caught a glint of something in his wrist. A bracelet with the words 'Her Beast' inscribed in it. He followed my line of sight and as soon as he realized what I was looking at, he immediately pulled on the sleeves of his uniform.

"Go," he ordered, as he composed himself again, masking it in a look that seemed to hide his emotions.

I was frustrated, this man was confusing me. One minute, he tells me he wants me and the next he wants me to leave. I hit his chest with my small fist in anger. "You nincompoop!" I turned to leave him in that small corner, but did a double take to look at him once again. He just slumped his back on the wall behind him, his head downcast. The playful smirk he donned a while ago was replaced by a look of sadness, and something she could not place. Longing?

I walked away from him willing myself not to look back again to him. My heart pounded painfully in my chest coupled with another building migraine in my head. As I arrived to my next class, I cannot concentrate completely because of some stupid albino claiming that I will be his. My head felt like bursting as the migraine started climaxing. "You okay?" Maria asked beside me. I snapped out of my reverie at the sound of her voice.

"Huh?" I blinked a couple of times as I looked at her.

"I asked if you are feeling okay?" she repeated, as she placed a hand on my own hand. Clemence turned her head to us, looking with concerned eyes.

"Do you vant us to bring you to ze infirmary? You look pale as a ghost," She added. Suddenly I felt like my world started turning really fast, I felt like I am about to puke.

"Uh, my head..." Then I heard a thud followed by muffled voices calling my name and everything around me turned black.

The bracelet he was using flashed in front of my eyes again and again. I found myself in the library. I looked around, touching the spines of the books, truly fascinated by them. I pulled out one of the books to start reading them when I heard voices from one of the tables.

"Any problem,..." the following words were muffled sounds.

The retort from the girl was a muffled sound. The following sounded clear but I think I heard that voice before. I scrunched my nose. "Ah, yes. I do have one. The noise in the library. I know from experience that this should be a quiet zone. I wonder why?"

I heard a scuffle from the floor as if the girls were to stand from her seat. The boy's voice followed again dripping with sarcasm and condescendence, I was sure his face would have that annoying sneer on it. "Admitting defeat...." the next sound was once again muffled.

"No, just can't stand the sight of you. I've had enough of it in our shared classes." I heard the sound of footsteps leaving the library then the scene suddenly dissolved.

I suddenly found myself in a ballroom around people who were dressed formally and in mask. A masked girl in blue gown was laughing in the arms of a masked man as he twirled her in the middle of a dance floor. Whispers of I love you's were exchanged between them, I heard. Suddenly the scene changed, I turned my head quickly as I heard a sound of a crash behind me. A car was upturned, and fire was catching it. A sound of a familiar voice, no, two familiar voices can be heard, screaming something, but it was muffled I cannot clearly make it out to be anything. My heart beat violently inside my chest as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. One man who was fighting his way to the car was being held back by another guy and it seems that a fight between them was brewing if not stopped by some of the rescuers who responded. They looked familiar but I can't place a finger on it. Their faces were blurred but they seem to look familiar to me.

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