Chapter 1

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3rd person view for this whole book..

Pidge was in her room sleeping when out of know where was a loud alarm. "What the he-" Pidge said. But then her door opened to reveal someone who shouldn't​ be on the ship.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Pidge yelled. He was wearing a mask so she couldn't see him smirking. He started to slowly walk towards pidge who's eyes were filled with fear. She didn't have anything to protect herself so she was defenseless. When he was close enough to touch her, he touched her shoulder and she past out.

With Shiro and the others...

"WHERE IS THE INTRUDER!?" Shiro yelled. "Calm down Shiro.. We will find them," Keith said.

"AHHH LET GO OF ME!!!!!!!!" We heard a scream. " That sounded like Pidge!?!" Hunk said. They all races down to where they heard the scream just to see Pidge knocked out and being thrown into a escape pod. "PIDGE!!" Shiro yelled. The kidnapper looked at Shiro took off his mask and smirked. He then looked back and continued to get in the escape pod. Shiro started to run to the escape pod but Keith stopped him. " Hold on Shiro... He might hurt Pidge," he said in a mad but sad Tone. Shiro just stared at the Escape pod and started to cry as the escape pod took off into space.

"Oh Pidge" Shiro said...

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I will try to update as soon as I can!! Cya!!

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