The Storm

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Bills that were long over due were being piled on top of Jonson Green's desk, and the harbor was being financed through the roof without reason. The season had not even started yet and the fishery had already spent more than what was set aside for the entire year. Although Cape Cod Bay was falling head over heals with problems, the captain of the Northwestern seemed to not have a care in the world and was happier than every man in town. Sitting at the bar, Jonson asked for one last beer before he had to head off to what seemed like the coldest hell on earth. Once finished with his pint, he put on his heavy rain jacket and slowly made his way to the crab boat. The smell of the bay was enough to make him excited to go fishing, as it reminded him of when he first went out to sea with his father. With a smile upon his face, he called his crew to the docks and the Northwestern was being prepared for her next voyage out to sea.

"Hurry lads, we're scheduled to be a leaving in the morn before the next boat has to dock, so pick up the pace if you want to go fishing", spoke the second mate Rick Moore. Jonson and Rick had been friends since they were three years old and couldn't talk. Both of their fathers had worked together for several years, until Rick's father passed away from an alcohol problem.
​The crew worked all through the night until the next morning so they would not be late, all of which had bags under their eyes and the craving for another coffee or bear, except for Jonson. There wasn't much left to do except get the papers for the yearly quota that were sitting in the boards office. While everyone else was finishing their jobs on and off the deck, Rick and Jonson went inside the office to discuss the yearly amount of fish needed to be caught before the season is completed. Once the two walked in, it was surprisingly empty.

Usually, before the beginning of a season there are lines of people waiting to get their quota so they can head off to sea. But, this morning was different as there was nobody inside except for the clerk and the board's manager. The two slowly walked to the manager's office and opened the door.

​"Well hello fellers, it sure is good to see someone here now and again. What is it you all are looking a for"?

​"We are just here to discuss our yearly quota as we were supposed to be leaving this morning. Why is their nobody here"? Spoke Jonson, who was quite puzzled.

​"Well lads, your papers are right here. And to answer your question, the reason why no ones here this morning is because there waiting for another couple of weeks before they go out. Apparently, they seem to think that there are no crabs in the water". Softly spoke the manager. Jonson grabbed the paper somberly, and motioned him and Rick to leave before Rick could ask a question. The two of them left the boards office and headed back to the boat. It was nearly eight in the morning, and there were only three boats in sight. You could see the Northwestern colored in her brilliant blue, the coast guard's emergency boat that had been stationed in the harbor all winter, and the managers old wooden sail boat that could barely float in the water.

Once they had gotten back on the boat Jonson noticed how everything was ready to go, except for the crew. They were all packed in the boats kitchen and dining room like sardines waiting for Jonson.

"We were wondering what was taking you so long, why is their no one else out there. Is there a storm, a danger warning, what is it." Loudly said another large deckhand.

​ "We were out getting the quota for the year, and we took longer than usual because we were having a discussion with the manager of the board. Apparently, people seem to think that there are no crab out there, but I can assure you there are and we are leaving in thirty minutes after we warm up the engine." Spoke Jonson, with a stern voice.

​"Why are we going out if there are no crab." Said another deckhand. "Yah, if there are no crab then why waist our time." Said another. Rick began to get frustrated and was about to say something when Jonson spoke up again to resolve this small and unimportant matter of contention.

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